Chapter 9 Lighting Up the Past

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Yeah, so another chapter woo hoo! You can thank Fall Out Boy for making me write. The song above is Cooler Than Me. The picture is of Nico, I just think it looks cool and I'm trying to draw something similar for you guys! Here your chapter!

Will's POV

I watch Nico until he's out of my sight. I walk back into my house say goodnight to my dad and Mary before going up to my room. I flop down on my bed. He remembers part of his past years. That's a start. Now if I can just get him to understand how I feel towards him without saying it. He's gay so he won't reject me but he might want to avoid me. I hope that doesn't happen... I remember everything about him, all his quirks and hobbies, everything he ever told me, I remember...

~~~~~Remembering Nico~~~~~

"Hey Will look!" Nico yells pointing at the sky. I look up the sun shining enchanting through the clouds. The other kids around us making a distant racket. All I can hear is Nico. I glance at Nico who is staring in wonder at the beautiful scene. His face lit up like a Christmas tree. "Oh! Want to play a game?" He asks me looking happy and excited. His eyes shining but I see something that looks like sadness hidden in his blue-black eyes.

"Sure, what's the game?" I ask him he pulls me to sit next to him on the ground.

"Okay so you name the first thing that pops into your head when I say a word, and it goes back and forth like that," he says moving his hands as he talks.

"Sounds like fun, I'll go first," I say giving him one of my winning smiles. "Blue."

"Umm sky." Nico.

"Clouds." Me.

"Sun." Nico.

"Yellow." Me.

"Happyness." Nico.

"Smiles." Me. You make me smile.

"Teeth." Nico.

"Mouth." Me.

"Licks." Nico.

"Puppies." Me.

"Fluffy." Nico.

"Fur." Me.

"Cats." Nico.

"Meow." Me.

"Noise." Nico.

"Thunder." Me.

"Lightning." Nico.

"Storm." Me.

"Darkness." Nico.

"Shadows." Me.

"Night." Nico.

"Stars." Me.

"Moon." Nico.

"Glow." Me. I feel like I'm glowing when you touch me.

"Flashlight." Nico.

"Camping." Me.

"Tent." Nico.

"Campfire." Me.

"Smores." Nico.

"Food." Me.

"Pasta." Nico.

"Italy." Your Italian accent.

"Pizza." Nico.

"Cheese." Me.

"Sandwitch." Nico.

"Lunch." Me.

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