Chapter 11 Cat Times

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Yeah I'm going to be away all weekend on vacation and won't be able to update so I will try and update as much as I can before then. I love you guys enjoy the chapter.

Will's POV

Gosh Nico, why do you look so cute when you blush. I have finally broke. I can't hold back anymore, I'm rubbing my head against Nico's chest like I'm a cat. He looks down at me petting my head, his cheeks are flaming, and his eyes looking at me in a way I never dreamed he would. Does Nico have a cat fettish?  I ponder this and purr into his chest. He looks deep into my eyes with a questioning look. As is asking, 'Why are you doing this?' He looks so cute I just want to hug him, but I am playing the part of a cat, and cats don't hug. I lean up and lick his cheek meowing softly in his ear. His visibly shivers and bite his lip not meeting my gaze. I smile to myself crawling onto his lap, or rather kneeling down on the ground with my face in his chest. I want this moment to last forever! Nico looks so vulnerable and I feel like I could just-No bad Will. No taking advantage of Nico. I keep hearing Brian saying something about OTP's and the feels. With him I've pretty much given up on uderstanding his insane talk.

All too soon the bus stops, I give a disappointed meow and lick Nico's cheek before standing up. Today I shall be a cat, it is the only way Nico is letting me do this to him. Nico follows me off the bus and opens the door for me. Once Brian enters behind me Nico les the door shut behind him, and I of course immediately go to his side. The oh so adorable, flaming cheeks come back and I purr at his touch. "Will, how long are you going to be a cat?" Nico asks rolling his eyes, but I can see the smile playing at his lips. Brian though answers for me since he knows how I am.

"Oh, he won't stop until he gets whatever he's after, so get used to Will the cat, he'll be here a while," Brian says waving his arm to us as he goes to class. He just got back todey, his family had gone somewhere for a family emergency. Now he will be etting his schedule and he will proabably be in all of our honor classes. Hey, he may be a total wacko, but he has brains, even if he denies it at every given chance. He says he just has good memory, but we all know better, he is just natuarally a smart guy.

"Will, I have one rule if you are going to continue this cat-" Nico gestures trying to find the word, "act, you have going on. You ar not allowed to lick me," he says his cheeks getting a light pink tint. I give him my best cat pout and he breaks, "Fine just don't do it too often or on the mouth because that is like kissing me and not school appropriate," he says giving an exaperated sigh. If I had a tail it would be waving happily. I crouch down and lick his cheek rubbing my hair against his face. He blushes and pets my head trying to hide his smile. I give a soft meow and walk towards out lockers. We put away what we don't need before lunch and make our way towards the classroom. Math class, a pretty exciting class when Mr. Chiron is teaching it. Nico takes his regular seat in the back and I in front of him.

"Alright! Hi guys guess who's in class with you?!" I immediatley know who it is. I turn and smile sticking my tongue out lazily like a cat. He pats my head before sitting across from Nico. I turn around and look at Nico setting my chin on his desk. He looks at me smiling and pets my head. I purr and nuzzle my face into his had giving it a small lick. Brian laughs as Nico blushes a deep red, but I'm happy that he continues to pet my head. I close my eyes enjoying his gentle touch. The bell rings and I lick Nico's hand once more before turning towards teh front of the class. I glance back seeing a red faced Nico and smile proudly to myself. Mr. Chiron walks in greeting the class and truning immediately toward the board and writing down today's lesson. I open my notebook along with the rest of the class. We begin with what we left off on the day before reviewing a bit, then diving into the lesson. Mr. Chiron makes the class fun as he is known to do when the students behave. The Stoll brothers almost ruined that, but luckily Katie who sat next to Travis had to ask him a queston causing him to forget about the spit balls he was going to hand Connor. Connor huffed and turned back to his notes mumbling about something, my guess would be 'stupid crushes and girls.'

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