Chapter 21 What Happened? (Will)

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I wake up to the kick in my stomach and someone yelling at me. I try to pry my eyes open but wince in pain feeling a second swift kick to my stomach. What's going on? I hear my name in the distance but I just can't pull myself from the pain. Someone slaps my face and my eyes pop open. "Will!" Screams a voice right before I get kicked in the head the world fading to black.

I feel the light hit my eyelids like stabbing pain but then realise that's the only pain I feel. I wake up laying in my bed looking around I'm alone. I feel my stomach drop and quickly get out of bed rushing to open the door and look for Nico. When I open the door I see a surprised Nico who was just a foot from the door. "Will are you okay?" I feel relief but can't help but quickly hold onto him. It was his voice yelling my name. Was that just a dream? He makes a noise and hugs me back like he's annoyed, but I just squeeze him tighter.

"Hey Will, you okay?" He asks pushing me back to look at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Yeah, I'm fine just needed my Nico recharge," I say giving him a wink. He rolls his eyes pushing me back but not that hard. He walks over to his overnight bag and gets out his change of clothes for today.

"Mary is downstairs making breakfast, so get dressed," Nico says though he is blushing a little bit. I feel the need to hug him again so I wrap my arms around him from behind. "Geez you're so clingy today." I just hum against his head nuzzling into his soft hair. He doesn't move but mumbles under his breath something about 's embarrassing'. I let go of him kissing the top of his head.

"Well I'll let you dress in here, unless you want me to help-" he immediately pushes me out of the room and shuts the door with a thud. "Fine, I get it but if you need any help-"

"Shut it Solace!" He yells clearly getting angry. I smile having gotten his mind off my weird silence and over clinginess this morning. I walk over to the bathroom, washing my face and fixing my bed head. I snap my fingers, "Nico woke up before I could see his bed head!" I pout back to the room and knock on the door. Nico opens up cleanly dressed in a striped gray and black shirt with kind of baggy dark blue jeans with drawings scrawled across the legs. "Oh, I like this look," I say clearly checking him out. He pushes my face away and walks out of the room.

"Come down stairs when you're done I'm gonna go help Mary make breakfast."

"Mhm," I say wolf whistling at his backside before quickly getting into my before he can get me. I hear angry rumblings as he goes down the stairs. I snicker and sigh grabbing a blue shirt saying, 'Life is nothing without the music.' I put it on and get a pair of jeans from my drawer slipping them on as well. I look at myself one more time in my bedroom mirror and then give a smile before going down the stairs humming happily. "Good morning Mary dearest!" I say as I walk into the kitchen giving her a quick hug and kiss on her little head.

"Oh, good morning sweety," she says in her mother like tone. "Nico dear make sure it doesn't burn now," she says to Nico who was at the stove cooking something in a pan he looks very focused so I decide to watch. I stand behind him looking over his head as his hands skillfully toss the heart shaped French toast in his pan. I smile looking over at Mary who was trying to look innocent cracking Hess into a bowl as she dips more heart shaped pieces into the French toast mixture. He finishes it by sliding them off onto a plate and putting a slice of butter into the bottom of the pan I go over to Mary and take the bowl of ready to cook French toast.

"Here you go Nico," I say as he turns around seeing me hand him the bowl instead of Mary. I knew he hadn't seen me or heard me when I came in so his blush made me even more satisfied with myself. He took the bowl setting it beside the stove and quickly ignored me starting to make the toast. I slide my hands around his hips as I make it so his arms are perfectly free to move. He grunts trying to push me off but gives up when I squeeze his hips causing him to shiver gasping slightly.

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