Chapter 14 Ships and OTP's?

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Yeah so I changed something in the last chapter, I made it so Will saw Nico for the first time in fifth grade summer and met him for the first time in sixth grade. Just wanted to make that clear so no one is confused about this. Also I am camping there are three people sleeping next to me currently and when I read over my chapter I almost squeaked out loud because I didn't think I made it that cute. Yeah so I partly forget half of what I write after I write it so I have to go back and read it. Okay I think I made this Authors Note too long but I love you guys and I'm writing this while I'm camping hope you like it.

Nico's POV

I had left my sketch book with Will and went home. Before I could silently go to my room as usual, my step mom surprised me and came up to me smiling. "Nico, I'm so proud of you, you finally have a boyfriend!" She says hugging me to her gently.

"Thanks, but how did you know I was gay?" I ask her wrapping my arms around her.

"Oh honey, I saw the way you used to look at Percy when you guys would play games," she replied and I could hear the smirk in her voice. I laugh and she stands back looking at me shocked. I laugh harder, Guess she hasn't heard me laugh in a long time. "Nico! Oh I'm so happy! Did this boyfriend of yours help you be happy again?" She says beaming at me happily almost jumping in excitement.

"Yeah, he's always been there for me ever since the sixth grade, even though I forgot him. He just never gave up, he always was there to support me," I say smiling at the ground. I hear a sniff and look at Persephone to see tears in her eyes.

"I always thought there was something special about that boy. He would sometimes ask me how you were doing and he always greeted you with a smile when he came over," she said smiling at me through her tears. I smile at her and gently wipe the tears from her face. "He never gave up, I don't know how many times that year he had to introduce himself to you because you forgot again. I know he felt hurt you didn't remember him, but the doctor said you should be getting some of those memories back," she looks into my eyes, "Nico that's why you've been taking that medicine and why you have those headaches. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner it's just.." she trailed off but I hugged her. She sobbed and hugged me back.

"It's okay, I get it, you guys didn't want to scare me. It's okay," I say rubbing her back comforting like Will does for me. She sniffs and hugs me tighter.

"You're such a wonderful boy, I'm glad to have you as my son," she says making me want to cry. A/N I am almost crying gosh darn it. I just smashed an ant I feel bad. It's still moving and walking though! :'( I feel like a monster. Okay you can ignore me continue reading the story.

"Thank you," I say burying my face in her shoulder. Yes, my step mom is taller than me, but I like the height difference now, it makes me feel safer. We stand there for a few minutes in comfortable silence then I here a ding go off in the kitchen.

"Oh I almost forgot, I made something for you!" She says excitedly running off into the kitchen. I follow dropping my bag by the stairs.

"What did you-" I stop when the smell hits me. I sniff the air lovingly and walk as if in a trance into the kitchen. "Wow..." I say looking at it. I lick my lips and sit down at the counter on one of the high stools. Persephone smiles at me and I smile back. "I can't believe you made these I mean seriously!" I exclaim looking at her in awe. She made my favorite old time food. It's this bread like cookie that's covered in chocolate and caramel and it's all gooey and warm. My mom used to make it all the time on special occasions.

"Well, you have a boyfriend and a date planned so I made this for you!" She says placing one on a plate in front of me. I smile at her the steaming treat wafting delicious smells to my nose. I haven't had one of these since, well since my mom was alive.

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