Chapter 4 Thinking In Sunshine

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Fourth chapter has a name woo hoo! Picture above is kind of what will would look like shirtless except I think he would have abs. The song is Wake Me Up Inside. Enjoy.

Nico's POV

I know I shouldn't enjoy the light but I do, and I'm not talking about the light of the sun I'm talking about a certain Will Solace. He is trying so hard to be a good friend and somewhat treating me like a little kid. As of just a few seconds ago he was making me eat an apple slice so I had something healthy for lunch. Gosh he is just a weird guy. I lay down on the grass I unknowingly walked into and lay an arm partially over my eyes. I heave a sigh and relax in the cool afternoon light. I look around and notice Will walking towards me. I don't think he knows I can see him. He sees me and lays down beside me, and I look at him through my longish hair. He seems relaxed but he has this look in his eyes, I can't really tell what it is. Should I ask him what's wrong? No no, that would be nosy. It's rude to get into other people's business. Instead I decide to enjoy the silence that's surrounding us. I hear the calm of leaves from the trees scraping softly across the sidewalk and branches swaying in the soft wind.

Ahh the world can really be beautiful when something isn't going wrong. I hope I don't jinx it. I glance over at Will and see him looking at me. I feel heat rising to my face and look away quickly.

"Hey what's the matter Neeks?" Will asks looking a bit worried and kind of amused.

"N-Nothing Solace," I say. Curse my stupid stutter. Arg why do I have to get flustered now?!

"You sure your face us all," he pokes my cheek, "red."

"I said nothing Solace come on we might as well go inside now," I say standing up quickly looking away from his curious glare. He stands up and leans down really close to my face with a serious look. He looks like he's searching for an answer and my face heats up all the more. I can feel his breath on my face as he looks deep into my eyes. I gulp and he stands up again a smile appearing as if by magic on his gorgeous face.

"Well, like you said we might as well go get ready for our next class. I think it's English, am I right?" He says leaning down a bit to smile at me as I try to stop blushing so much. I put my head down and nod, refusing to look at him. Gosh Solace stop making me blush that really isn't fair. He suddenly grabs my arm and pulls me out of my thoughts dragging me inside.

"Solaaaaaace!" I half yell as he pretty much pulls me along behind him like a doll. He turns his head to flash me a smile and wink. I feel my face burning, Curse you and all you stand for Solace. He seems to be satisfied as I'm pulled towards our lockers. He lets go of me and I'm propelled forward just as I'm about to slam face first into the lockers an arm wraps around me.

"Oops sorry Neeks guess I lost control," Will says from behind me pulling me to his chest. My face heats up besides my protests and I know I look like a tomato. Stupid stupid face. "You okay didn't hurt you did I?" Will turns me around and sees my burning face, which makes him smirk and pull me to him. "I'm sowy wittle Nico I didn't mean to huwt you," he says petting my hand like a little kid. Oh. No. You. Did. Not. I push him away my face burning for a different reason, fire raging in my eyes.

"You never talk to me that way again," I say venom dripping off each syllable. What surprises me is he laughs. Did he seriously just laugh at me? I mean seriously? He did not just laugh at me. Ohh he is so gonna get it. I turn away from him throwing my head in a dramatic movement and walk sassily back to my locker. I hear him follow but ignore him.

"Ahh come on Neeks don't be this way, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings," he says and I can hear the sincerity in his voice but I can't just soften up right away. I turn my head away again ignoring him. I hear him sigh and he comes in front of me so I turn away again and open my locker. I hear him huff and shut the locker turning me towards him all joking gone from his face. I look at him sternly. "Nico please don't do this it was just a joke, I didn't mean anything by it and I'm sorry," he says this in such a soft sad voice I feel my anger slip away and before I know what I'm doing I hug him. Oh shoot bad reflexes. What's even worse is the words that come out of my mouth.

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