Chapter 17 Friday Gitters (Will)

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I woke up with Mary singing a light tune and cooking breakfast for me. I rubbed my eyes getting ready for school. My mind started to wake up and I stopped with my shirt half buttoned up. Nico and I are supposed to go on a date...what am I going to wear? While panicking in my head Mary walked in gave me one look and parted my shoulder.

"You'll be fine dear, doesn't matter what ya wear it's how you are on the inside silly boy," she says giving me a little squeeze. "Your dad called and said good luck." She picked up my discarded dirty clothes and exited the room. Mary always knew exactly what I was thinking before I say a word. It's like she's a mind reader or something. I take her advice and decide to be a little more calm. It's Nico the kid I love and who I'm dating and who I haven't seen in a couple of years. The kid who forgot me and now he finally remembers me. The kid who I don't want to lose again. The boy I want to live with forever.

"Alright, let's do this thing!" I pumped a fist and started getting ready for school. I won't mess this up!

-Time Skip Brought by Eren and Levi--

On the bus Nico and I sat together in the back across from the twins. Brian was telling us about their cousin they want us to help babysit on Sunday. Nico is pretty much glowing his smile as bright as any moon and just as beautiful. Oops I didn't think that... Nico looks at me and that's when I realise I've missed most of what was said staring at Nico for too long. "Will they want to know the time we can come over to their house on Sunday."

"Oh, uh anytime is fine," I say feeling a little embarrassed. They both nod at me then start talking to each other. I heard something about an anime but was too caught up in Nico to tune in.

"So what time were you planning on picking me up?" Nico asks becoming a bit bashful looking at his lap.

"How about around five?" I suggest smiling at him.

"My mom said that umm if it was okay with your parents and every thing that uh I could stay the night." I calm st burst out at that moment Nico was blushing and looking at me in the cutest way! Oh gosh okay calm Will calm. Man I brain too soon.

"Yeah I think that'd be fine. Mary wouldn't be bothered by it and my dad would be fine with it too, so if you like you can." I started blushing a bit myself I could feel my face heating up, but it's the fault of my brain it was being too...let's say outgoing. The teenage brain is a confusing messed up place sometimes. The rest of the trip Nico bugged me to tell him where I was bringing him, but it is a secret. Mary help me make the reservations and plan the whole thing.

At school Nico dropped it and instead went on pouting which didn't last for long when I licked his hand. Instead he grumbled about how cats were so stubborn, but of course he still played with my hair and petted me. School is officially my fifth favorite place in this town. I'm not allowed to say the others yet.

--Time skip because it's Christmas--

The day went by so fast and soon we were riding home with Nico and I both awkwardly sitting next to each other thinking and belonging in our own separate worlds at the moment. Brian gave me a suspicious look but I just shrugged. Getting off the bus. Nico and I watched it roll away and before I could say a word Nico got on his tip toes and pulled me down a bit to kiss my cheek then ran away quickly. I smiled in a daze and walked home feeling the butterflies flutter in my heart.

Mary was going to be our chauffeur for the date because I do not yet have my license. I put on a light blue button up a pair of nice blue jeans and my best pair of blue converse. A/N I don't know how to spell it okay. I brushed my hair into a nice look and Mary teared up when I came downstairs with flowers in my hand. Hey, Nico's not sure girl but I know for a fact he loves flowers. Of course these are his favorite violets and roses of white. He told me once when he still had short term memory loss.

We go out to the black car my dad bought for me to be driven around in and went to Nico's house. I got out of the car flowers in hand and before I even knocked someone answered the door. It was an older women and she didn't look like Nico but she had a warm smile on her face. "Hi Will, would you like to come in while I go get Nico?" I nod stepping into the house and the first thing I notice is the abundance of flowers. Vases on tables hung up by windows and on ledges. She invited me to sit down and walked off. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves. I hear the sound of pounding feet on stairs and Nico appears looking amazing. His hair was combed and fluffy, he had on a button up black and white striped shirt, black jeans and black shoes. I stood up staring at him my voice caught in my throat I gave myself a mental slap.

"Hey, you look amazing, these are for you," I say holding out the flowers blushing a bit. He smiles his face flushing red. He takes them gently and smells the sweet scent of the violets. A/N don't know if they really smell or not.

"Thanks Will you look great too, and Therese flowers are amazing." He goes over to an empty vase his mother had set down when Nico came down. He sets the flower gently in the water and his mother takes them away to take care of them. I hold out my hand to him.

"Shall we go?" I ask giving him a cheesy smile. He laughs taking my hand and his mother walks us to the door waving as we drove away Nico and I sitting together in the back.

"So now can I know where we're going?" Nico asks looking excited.

"Nope, not yet." I smile and Mary turns on the music as we drive into the main part of town. After five minutes we arrive pulling up to my favorite restaurant in town. Nico looks out the window his mouth a gape. Impressing Nico, check.

There you go my bookworms hope you enjoy your Christmas present from me or whatever other holiday you might celebrate! Tell me if you want more I'll write it! Happy Holidays!

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