Chapter XIII : Friendship Tested, A Life Sacrificed

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Panic surged through our bodies as we heard a thud coming from Quinn's room, followed by a grunt that sounded like a moan. Just as our phone began to ring, we opened it only to see Quinn in the clutches of Ghostface.

We hurriedly dashed towards the door connecting to Quinn's room. Tara was on her way to her own room when I urgently grabbed her arm. "Tara, wait!" I exclaimed, positioning myself protectively in front of her to shield her from Ghostface. There was a moment of silence, and then Mindy said, "Run!" before the door swung open, revealing Ghostface pushing the lifeless body of Quinn, her throat gruesomely slit, onto Anika, who was standing next to Mindy.

Anika let out a piercing scream as she shoved Quinn's body away. I glanced at Chad and forcefully pushed Tara towards him. "Go! I'll catch up with you later," I assured her. Tara tried to break free from Chad's grip, desperately pleading, "Y/N, no!"

I realized the urgency in her voice, the fear that gripped both of us in that moment. Reluctantly, I released my protective stance and reluctantly nodded at Chad, signaling him to take Tara to safety. As they hurriedly retreated, my heart raced with a mix of fear and determination. I couldn't abandon my friends to Ghostface's clutches.

"Oh shit!" I heard Mindy say before Ghostface swiftly swung his knife at Mindy's arm. He walked closer to her, but before he could hurt her, Anika gripped his arm to stop him. He held her to her neck and lifted her against the wall, pushing her forcefully before lunging his knife into her stomach. Anika let out a scream of pain as the killer twisted the knife.

"Sam, the knife!" I yelled, "There are no knives, Y/N!" She answered when she saw there were no knives on the shelves.

"Damn it, then I'll have to do this the hard way," I muttered, my voice laced with determination. Without hesitation, I launched myself at the killer, grappling onto his waist with all my strength. With a sudden burst of energy, I forcefully pushed him away towards Anika, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the floor. The impact of the fall caused her to clutch her injured stomach, a mix of pain and fear etched on her face.

Both Ghostface and I tumbled to the floor, but I managed to land on top of him. Seizing the opportunity, I delivered a powerful punch to his face, urging the others, "Go! I'll keep him occupied!" Sam swiftly assisted Anika and Mindy, guiding them into Quinn's room. I quickly rose from straddling Ghostface, observing him as he stood back up, ready to slice me up.

"Fuck," I said. He tried to swing his knife at me when I dodged it by backing away, accidentally closing the door.

Swiftly, I grabbed his wrist as he lunged with the knife, delivering a painful kick to his groin. With his momentary vulnerability, I got a hold of his clothing and forcefully threw him to the floor. Utilizing the precious seconds, I dashed towards the door, swiftly opening it before slamming it shut behind me. Through the narrow gap, I glimpsed Ghostface, still determined to pursue me, as he desperately tried to force his way inside.

He banged on the door multiple times as it went quiet. Sam looked at the back. "Y/N, the bathroom door!" I ran to the door when I noticed Quinn's lover in the bathtub, swimming in his own blood. "Fucking dead, man!"

When I looked at the door, Ghostface was standing there. I tried to close the door, but he was too strong to keep it closed. I got inside Quinn's room and closed the door. Ghostface kept banging on the door when Sam pushed me towards the big closet, using it to keep the door closed.

As I pushed the closet against the door, Sam saw Danny on the other window and opened it. Danny offered some help and brought a foldable ladder. "What the fuck?" Sam said. "You've got other ideas?" Danny replied. Sam let out, "Fuck no," as she positioned it by the window.

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