Chapter 8- Kayla

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The nurses and doctor did a whole bunch of tests on me and asked me a whole bunch of questions. I just sat there and took it all in. I didn't say anything nor did I complain, all I could think about was how I had gotten here. 

At some point I zoned out and when I focused back in I realized the doctor was talking to me. 

"What?" I asked hoping he'd repeat his question. Thankfully he did. 

"I asked you if you knew where you are." The doctor stated calmly. 

"In the hospital." I said. 

"Okay no memory loss that's good." I heard the doctor whisper to himself and write on his clipboard he had.

"How did I get here though?" I asked very confused. 

"That young man who was just in here brought you in." The doctor said with a smile. I just slowly nodded. 'Someone actually cares and helped me?' I thought to myself. Wow. But he's still a stranger, a stranger who helped me, but still a stranger none the less.

It was about 30 minutes or so of tests and questions until it was finally done. 

"Do you have any questions for me?" The doctor asked me. 

"Yes, whats the date today?" I asked. "It's January 21st the year 2023." The doctor said. 'what..that's crazy.." I thought to myself. The last date I remember was April of 2018, that was the year me and together. 

We were dating for about 2 months when we decided to move in together and a few weeks after that he hit me for the first time and shoved me into the basement. That's the last date I remembered. I shivered at the thought. 

The doctor eventually left and the nurses took out this tube, that they explained what was a feeding tube keeping me alive. They helped me to the bathroom and to the shower, I couldn't remember the last time I had a shower so this was nice. I ate some food and relaxed, eventually I fell asleep and the strange man didn't come back that day. 

I woke up the next day feeling kinda okay, mentally I was a wreck and physically I was very sore but I just felt kinda a mixture between peace and numb. But not quite at peace, this feeling was hard to explain. 

I was very thirsty though, and pretty hungry. I pressed the button to call the nurse on my little remote and within 3 minutes of me pressing the button a nurse came in. 

"I see you're up, how are you feeling dear?" The nurse said as she came to look at the machines. 

"Eh." I said with a shrug, that's the best way I could describe this feeling.

"Whatcha need dear?" The nurse asked with a smile. She had a deep southern accent that seemed to fit her pretty well. 

"I was kinda hungry I was wondering if I could get something to eat?" I asked shyly. 

"Oh ofcourse here's the menu you can look from and I'll fetch ya what ya want." She said. 

"Okay.." I said taking the menu and looking. After I made my selection of waffles and fruit with some milk the nurse went out and came back a few minutes later with what I chose. 

"Thank you-" I paused unsure what to call her. I looked at her name tag and saw that her name was Loraine. "Thank you Loraine." 

"Ofcourse let me know if you need anything else." She said with a smile and walking out of the room. I ate my food and relaxed for a while.

 After about an hour after I ate the doctor came in. 

"Hello Kayla, I have something I'd like to discuss with you if you're ready." He said standing at the end of the bed. 

"..okay.." I said slowly. I wasnt necessarily scared of the doctor, he was nice and wasn't scary like other doctors but I didn't quite trust him. I didn't really trust anybody anymore to be honest. 

"So it says in your file that your an only child and that your mother is deceased, is this correct?" He asked me. 

"Yes..yes that's correct." I said looking down at me hands. 

Talking about my mother was always a hard subject for me. 

"And you don't have anyone to stay with?" He asked again checking his clipboard. 

"Uhm, that is correct." I said cautiously. 

"Okay, you will need to stay with someone so they can keep an eye on you and make sure nothing happens." He started. Stay with someone? Who in the world would I stay with? I have no family, I can't go back so who would I stay with. 

"I can see the gears in your brain turning and you must be very confused Kayla, but we do have someone you can stay with, they have already kindly agreed but only if you are comfortable with it." He continued. 

"What, that's crazy who-?" I stammered. 

"If you would like to meet them first you can." He said reassuringly. 

"..yes please.." I said. 

"Ofcourse, let me go fetch him for you." He said turning and leaving the room. I noticed how he said 'him' I was confused as to who this person would be. 

The fact that this stranger agreed to let me stay with them was...almost concerning but he said that the stranger only agreed if I was okay with it, that was oddly kind of this stranger. After a few minutes the doctor knocked on the door frame as if to ask if he could enter. I nodded when he peaked his head in. 

He walked in a little ways looking behind him for a second. 

"Are you ready?" He asked. I hesitated for a second before I nodded. 

"Alright you may come in Mr. Harrow." The doctor said looking behind him and talking out into the hallway. Dr. Perry stepped out of the way and he walked in. 

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