Chapter 11- Jake

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We were having a good conversation, at least I thought so, I tried to be nice without being weird. Dr. Perry walked in after about an hour.

"So how's it going in here?" He asked. I didn't say anything, instead I just looked at Kayla and waited for her to answer. I wanted to know how she thought it was going.

"I think I'm ready." She said. 

"Are you sure?" I asked her. She nodded. 

"Alright, I'll get the nurses to help take all the tubes and machines out then they'll give you a set of clothes, Mr. Harrow would you step outside with me for a minute." The doctor said. I nodded and stepped outside with him. 

"What's up doc?" I asked once we got out into the hallway. 

"Here are some pain meds Incase the pain comes back, which I'm sure it will. Don't leave her alone for too long alot of abuse victims end up committing suicide so make sure she doesn't. Don't push her for anything, try to make her comfortable okay?" The doctor said quickly. It took a second to register everything he just said. 

"Yes ofcourse, I understand doctor thank you." I said taking the little container of pills and putting them in my pocket. 

"Thank you, Mr. Harrow." He said and walked away. After he walked away I turned and knocked on the door. 

"Who is it?" I heard a nurse yell from the other side of the door. 

"Just me, Jake Harrow." I said. All I heard next was footsteps and then the door opened. 

"You can come in." The nurse who opened the door said. I walked in and saw Kayla sitting on the bed in a dark navy blue hoodie and sweatpants, her long brown hair was down framing her face and the hood of the hoodie was up. She had a suitcase beside her feet which I assumed had more clothes in it. 

"Are you ready to go?" I asked. She nodded. 

"Wait don't you want your flowers Miss?" The nurse asked Kayla. 

"Uhm, sure." She said nervously taking the flowers from the nurse. The nurse just smiled.

 I grabbed her suitcase and she carried her flowers. When we got to the car I unlocked it and went to open the passenger door for her. 

"Thank you.." she said. 

"I'm just going to put your suitcase in the trunk is that all right?" I asked her. She nodded. I closed her door, put the suitcase in the trunk and then came and got in the driver's seat. I didn't lock the doors since I figured that might scare her. 

"Alright do you have your seatbelt on?" I asked her. She nodded. I went ahead and put my seatbelt on and started the car.

 I backed out of the parking lot and started driving twords my apartment. It was quiet for a while until Kayla spoke up. 

"You put these flowers in my room didn't you?" She asked. 

I hesitated, I could feel my face heating up. 

"Yes.." I said quietly. 


"Just to be nice." I said to her. I could see her looking at me from my peripheral view. It was quiet again for a minute or so until she spoke again. 

"Thank you." She whispered. 

"For what?" I asked. 

"For everything, saving me, the flowers, letting me stay with you." She said.

"It's no problem." I said with a shrug. 

It didn't take long for us to get to my apartment. Once we got there I got out opened the door for her, made sure she got out, and then grabbed her luggage from the trunk. I started to walk up the walkway twords the lobby and she hesitantly followed me. 

We walked to the elevator and got on. I pushed the button and pressed the number 3 since my apartment was on the third floor. We stood in the elevator in silence and it stayed that way till we got to my apartment. I put the key in the lock and turned the lock. I pushed the door open and let her go through first. 

She walked in I I turned on the light switch I let the door close behind us. I forgot that it slammed so when it did she jumped. 

"It's okay it's just the door closing. I'm going to lock it okay?" I said moving slow so I wouldn't scare her. 

"I am putting the keys on the table her okay, you don't need to be scared the locks are just there to keep us safe okay?" 

She hesitated for a while before she nodded very slowly. I put the keys on the little table that I had by the door and took my shoes off. 

"You can take your shoes off and put them here or you can keep them on or you can put them in your room whichever you prefer." She nodded but kept her shoes on.

"Here I'll show you your room." I said motioning for her to follow me. She hesitated again but followed me down the hall to her room. 

I walked in and placed her suitcase on her bed. 

"Here is where you'll be staying, there are clean towels in the closet. There's the dresser you can put your clothes in and everything on the bed is brand new. The bathroom it on the right of the hallway the first door when you go down the hallway. I will be staying in the room right across from you so if you need anything just let me know." I told her while she walked in and looked around. I went and stood in the doorframe. "I'll let you get situated." I said and walked away. 

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