Chapter 33- Jake

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Max, Theo and Greg all sat up front while me and Kayla sat in the back. She sat opposite of me, not wanting to be near me and never looked me in the eyes. She seemed lost in thought. 

This seemed pretty normal especially for what she's been through so I didn't pester her. 

We make it back to the hotel and Max, Theo and I all hand Greg our weapons. Goodbyes and thank yous are passed around before they leave, leaving me and Kayla alone once again. 

"I'm gonna pack my stuff, I advise you do the same, we can't stay here if they found us here." I say as I go to pack my stuff. 

Not long after Kayla comes in and packs her stuff. She does it all without saying a word and avoiding eye contact with me. 

I could tell she was upset and her being anything but happy hurt more than anything else in the world. I just wish there was something I could do to help.

The drive back home is long. No conversation, no nothing. The only sound being the radio and my thoughts. 

Kayla still refuses to talk to me even after we get home. She hasn't said a word since the whole incident happened. She goes to her room with her bags and doesn't come out. Once again I leave it be and go to sleep exhaustion taking over my body. 

I wake up at around noon ish and Kayla is still in her room. I make food and let her know there's food if she's hungry. She ignores me and refuses to come out once again. 

It's about dinner time and she hasn't eaten anything since we got back. She's barely left her room. At this point I'm getting worried.

I knock on her door to no response. I knock again to again, no response. Deciding third time's the charm I knock again and the door opens to a very irritated looking Kayla. Yet she doesn't say a word. 

"You need to eat something so I made you a plate, you haven't eaten since we've gotten back. I'm starting to worry." I say as she walks past me without a word. 

Hoping she'll finally open up I follow her. Instead of actually getting any food like I had hoped she would, she just gets some water.

"Please just eat something, you've gotta eat atleast something." I say calmly. 

A few minutes pass and she just drinks her water without a word. 

"Kayla come on, just talk to me." I say slightly less calm than I was before. 

A few more minutes pass and she again just stays silent, with an almost kind of mad look on her face. 

"Why won't you talk to me?!" I say now frustrated. 

"Why do you care so much!?" She yells back. 

"Because I fucking love you." I say yelling back. The words come out of my mouth faster than my brain could process them. They were the truth and I knew it. I just didn't expect to say it like I did. 

Her expression changes, more of shocked now than angry. We both stood there in silence for a good minute before she finally said something. 

"You what..?" She whispered, seeming unsure if she was asking me or herself. 

I stand there unsure of how to respond. Eventually I take a step closer as I finally get my words together. 

"I said, I love you, that's why I care so much."

(A/n guys, this is getting so good, I'm so excited he said it and I'm the one who's writing it lmao, I'm so excited, I'm working on the very last chapter  and hope to have it out as soon as possible ❤️❤️❤️)

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