Chapter 10- Kayla

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He walked in and our eyes met. I could tell he was nervous, I could see it in his eyes. 'glad I'm not the only one' I thought to myself. 

"I'll let you to get aquatinted." The doctor said and he left the room leaving me and the strange man alone. 


"..Hello.." I said.

"My name is Jake, Jake Harrow." 

"I'm Kayla, Kayla Jennings." 

"Yeh I know, the hospital told me." He said with a small chuckle.

"Oh okay." I said. I giggled. 

"I know this whole situation is.." he paused. 

"Hard? Different? Weird?" I said reading his mind. 

"Yeh, definitely." He chuckled again. 

"'re the one who brought me here? After I ran into you?" 

"Yeh, yeh, that was me." 

"Sorry for running into you." I said looking down at my hands. 

"No, no it's okay, I'm glad you did, you were hurt pretty bad and needed help." He said with a shrug.

"Thank you for helping me." 

"It's no problem." 

I smiled a small barely there smile and he smiled too.

"May I sit?" He asked pointing to the only chair in the room which was next to the bed.

I nodded cautiously. 

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure you were okay with me sitting down near you since we're strangers." He said coming and sitting down slowly. 'That was kind of him' I thought to myself. 

"So you're the one I'm going to stay with?" I asked. 

"Uh yeh it seems so, but only if you want to you don't have to the offer is just there." He said quickly. 

"I've got nowhere else to go, so why not?" I said with a nervous smile. 

"So you'll come stay?" He asked. 

"..yeh.." I hesitated. 

"You hesitated, I know this is hard considering everything that happened and I know it's weird since I'm a stranger but you don't have to agree." He said caringly. 

"I-i just-you're right this is hard, and I'm super thankful for your help and I owe you one so.." I said with a shrug. 

"No you don't owe me anything, I just want to make sure you're okay." His words made me feel nice for about a minute until me brain told me to not trust anyone not even a little bit. 

"I don't expect you to trust me or anything like that, all I want is to make sure you're okay and have a place to go." He continued with a small sympathetic smile.

 He seems legit. What the worst that could happen? A lot. Honestly a lot could go wrong, everything could go wrong. I have no where else to go and no one else to stay with. I don't trust him but I'll give it a shot. 

"I don't trust you but I'll give it a shot.." I said. He smiled slightly at those words. 

After an hour of us talking the doctor came in. 

"So how's it going in here?" He asked. 

Jake didn't say anything he just looked at me. I looked at him and then looked at the doctor, he raised a hopefull eyebrow. 

"I think I'm ready." I said slowly. 

"Are you sure?" Jake asked. I nodded. 

"Alright, I'll get the nurses to help take all the tubes and machines out then they'll give you a set of clothes, Mr. Harrow would you step outside with me for a minute." The doctor said.

 After they left the room the nurses came in and did as the doctor said they would. I was given clean clothes and even a suitcase with more clothes that I would need inside of it. After all of that was done I sat in the room and waited. 

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