2. CAN

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"Jimin? Can you come here for a minute?" The home room teacher asked the student

Most of the school went on break. Most of the class left the classroom and some were still at their seats studying. Jimin was just about to leave so that he can take a walk.

"Yes sure Mr Kim?" Jimin walks up to the desk

The teacher hands Jimin a box of papers "I need you to take these to the teachers office. Bring them to Ms. Lee please. Can you do that for me?" he asked with a smile

Jimin nods his head and gave a box "Yes Mr. Kim I'll deliver these papers"

"Thank you Jiminie"

Jimin then leaves the classroom and walks to the teachers office. He slides open the door to see one of the teachers at his desk scolding the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

Jimin stares at the scene while he walks over to Ms. Lee's desk. She was currently on the phone so Jimin was able to wait around and listen in on the scolding.

"Yong-sun got hurt because of you and your carelessness!" Teacher Choi yelled at Jungkook

Jimin knew Yong-sun. He was basically the son of some rich millionaire. His father also was part of the education committee board. Yong-Sun would always brag about that as his way of getting what he wants. Even if he bullied other people, his father would still protect him.

"He told me to come to the gy—"

"This kid broke his leg because you did what? Decide to play basketball when it's not gym

time?" Teacher Choi yells more

Jungkook kept his face stoic. He didn't see the point in even arguing his case. He knew that the teachers would only care about Yong-Sun's wellbeing because of his parents wealth status. To everyone Jungkook was just some troublemaker whom was often misunderstood.

"Yah" The teacher than starts to hit the top of Jungkook's head with a book "let this be the last warning. You're lucky his parents didn't want to blame you for this"

"Yes Jimin?" Suddenly Ms. Lee gets Jimin's attention again "Was there something you needed?"

Jimin then looks down at the box of papers "O-Oh yeah, umm Mr. Kim wanted me to deliver these papers to you"

Ms. Lee smiles at Jimin "Thank you Jimin-ah! Just put them on the floor here."

Jimin puts the papers down. He walks to the door and looks back to see Jungkook still being scolded but the boy was emotionless and unmoving.

Once out the door he sees Yong-Sun's other rich kid friends talking in the hallway. They were laughing and carrying on.

"Jeon really saved us back there." One of them said

"Yong-Sun made a good plan getting Jeon to break in for us" another laughs

"Yeah because if he didn't Yong-Sun would've kicked his ass. Who knew Jeon was such a sissy. I'm kinda of disappointed"  the first one shrugs

"Yong-Sun really broke his legs. It should've been Jeon instead"

Jimin glares at them and his fist ball up in anger. He couldn't believe Jungkook got set up and now he's taking the blame.

Who's on Jungkook's side? Jimin wished he had the courage to speak up for Jungkook, to defend him, to comfort him. But deep inside Jimin was scared.


Poor Jungkook 🥲
I had a mental break down just now because college is just a scam and thousands of dollars in debt is how you're trapped...trapped in nothing not disparity. FML...

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