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With two days of planning Jungkook comes up with a plan to make Jimin his boyfriend. Now that the tables have turned, Jungkook was nervous. He's has plenty of experience on being romantic, but now it for the person he loves.

Unfortunately this plan requires Kim Taehyung's approval and help. He knew he and Taehyung's friendship or more like acquaintanceship went sour due to Jungkook's recent behavior with Jimin.

In fact Taehyung went from sending him death glares to straight up ignoring him. It kind of hurt but he was use to it. But now that class was over he walks over to Taehyung after he was done packing his art supplies by his painting easel.

"Hey Tae...can I uhh...talk to you? Jungkook asked

Taehyung again glares at Jungkook "The hell do you want asshole"

Jungkook moves his hands in the air in surrender "Whoa...so aggressive. I just need to talk. You got time?"

That's when Jungkook explains to Taehyung his plans on confessing to Jimin. The whole time Taehyung just blankly listened to Jungkook's plan. It wasn't until the end that Taehyung showed he was thinking of something.

"I don't know...why should I trust you'll actually want to be Jimin's boyfriend. How do we know this isn't just some scheme" Taehyung  said harshly

Jungkook looks at Taehyung sadly "Look I know, I fucked up before. But didn't Jimin tell you? We talked it out a few days ago. He even gave me permission to...to convince him. I'm just trying to do what's right"

"Hmm...and you think being Jimin's boyfriend will be right? Are you even ready to be committed?" Taehyung asked again in a harsh tone

"I-I am! Just help me with this please!" Jungkook pleads

This is how Kim Taehyung was currently on the KTX train with Jimin. They were going to Busan this weekend. Taehyung lied to Jimin saying he wanted to plan a mini vacation. In all actuality Jungkook planned this Winter Beach party retreat.

It was going to be a confession that was in response to Jimin's dance performance back at the University's Autumn festival. When Taehyung heard the full plan he will admit that it was truly a cute idea. Jungkook even paid for both his and Jimin's train tickets.

"You said we're going to be going to some winter beach party?" Jimin asked with the frown

"Yeah, it'll be fun. We're gonna have a nice bonfire and eat all the meat we want" Taehyung explains the itinerary

"Oh! I always wanted to try this restaurant I saw on tik tok" Jimin said as he scrolls on his phone "We should go there"

Two hours later they both arrived. They took taxis to their hotel rooms which weren't cheap. Thankfully Jungkook paid for that too being that it was his idea.

Of course Jimin doesn't know that Jungkook paid for all this, or that it was even a trip to see Jungkook. Jimin was under the impression that Taehyung had paid for this trip.

Since everything was last minute he did scold Taehyung. But thankfully the winter months were cheaper when it came to traveling and going on vacations.

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