11. TAKE

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It's been about two weeks since Jimin and Jungkook's one night stand. Jimin took Taehyung's advice i'm not pursuing Jungkook for a while.

Of course Jimin knew that Jungkook was a player. But, when they had that one intimate night he felt the pull.

He thought Jungkook would feel it too. Emotions overtook his logic at the time. But that still doesn't mean he doesn't want Jungkook out his life.

Taehyung was currently hanging out with some friends after his class. Jimin was at the dorm studying at this own desk. He got bored and started to think of Jungkook. Maybe he can ask how he was doing.

Hey, you busy? ☺️

Jimin waits about a few minutes before he sees the three dots in the chat. Jungkook was about to type he Jimin felt a thrill course though his body. He didn't want to admit he was excited.

Not really, wbu?

Just studying for some stupid exam. 😒

I'm at the studio.✌️

Ooo I never asked what your major is. Tell me?

haha it's nothing special. I'm an art major🎨

Oh shit just like Taehyungie!!

Hey maybe one day you can 'paint me like one of your french girls'

You're not the first or the last to ask me that.

And you said Taehyung? I know that dude. He's in my class. He's a teachers pet tho...

Taehyung is NOT a teachers pet  😂😂

Are you not going to ask what my major is...

I was getting there....but what's your major?


Jungkook doesn't respond for a few minutes. Jimin laughs thinking that maybe Jungkook was actually thinking about it. He just continues his studying until Jungkook would text him back.

Unfortunately Jimin started to get restless that Jungkook wasn't responding at all. He couldn't even focus on what he was reading. Once it got to thirty minutes, finally he gets a notification from Jungkook. Jimin quickly unlocks his phone.

Biology and science? I bet i'm way off.

It took you 30 minutes to come up with that?

I told you I was in the studio.
You suddenly gave me an idea.
I had to work on it

Ooooo so I inspired you? And no...I'm not a biology major.

Though I appreciate that you think i'm smart. I'm a dance major ☺️☺️

Ohh right I think you did tell me that before. I was probably too drunk haha sorry.

I will admit it makes sense. You were so...so sexy? 😏

When? At the club?

Yeah I was hoping it was obvious...

You already know I also do lap dances.

Maybe I can give you another one soon? 😉😍

Again Jimin was waiting for Jungkook's response. He didn't reply right away. This time Jimin didn't think too much of it since Jungkook did say he was doing something. So he sighs and got back to studying.

When it was nearing about two hours later Jimin was still wondering about Jungkook's response. He was laying down on his dorm room bed stretching his limbs. That was until he heard his phone get a notification from Jungkook.


Jimin frowns "That's it? Just...just cool?"

Taehyung suddenly burst into the dorm room happily laughing and clearly drunk. Jimin immediately puts his phone down and tried to not think about the simile response he waited hours for. But again it was hard to not think of Jungkook.


What do you guys think is going on with Jungkook?

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