7. NOW

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Again, can someone PLEASE tell me if they can see the media above?
Whenever I would go into reading mode for my own stories, I can't see the media I put in. Can you guys see any video?


Jimin must've felt that this was fate from God. Crossing paths with his childhood crush and he was a total hottie made switched the narrative.

Jimin had simple plans of dating around a bit to add to his University experience. But with Jungkook in the picture again, it's only him.

Jimin gives nearly a mischievous smile. He turns his t-shirt into a crop top by tying it. He adjust how his hair looks by looking from his phone camera.

Finally Jimin would get up from his seat and go to the other side of the giant restaurant table where Jungkook would sit.

Sitting next to Jungkook's right was a girl who was desperately flirting with him. She looked sloppy doing it because she was already drunk. 

Jimin taps the girl's shoulder and smiles at her "Hey do you mind getting up?"

The girl looks at him confused. Jungkook also watched in confusion to what was going on. The girl then said "This is my s-seat" she then hiccups

Jimin then glares at her "I'm asking nicely....beat it"

She looked scared and eventually gets up. Jimin then puts a smile on his face again showing his duality.

The girl throws a tantrum but Jimin ignores his and puts his full attention towards Jungkook.

"Hello" Jimin said seductively "You may or may not remember me but my name is Park Jimin."

Jungkook chuckles "Why would I remem— oh" he cocks his head to the side the more he stares at jimin "Park Jimin from...middle school?"

Jimin nods his head "Yup the one and only. Who would've thought I would see you again Jeon Jungkook"

Jungkook nods his head and he takes a sip of his drink "Hmm... yes it's funny how the world works. You got the same university too?"

"Yes I do. And I couldn't help but to notice you right away. Should we catch up. It's been years" Jimin then moves some of his hair behind his ear to flirt

Jungkook was a entertained that's for sure. "Sure, I wouldn't mind a little catching up. You've...changed" he looks Jinin up and down "Look at you. You look good" he said licking his lips

Jimin moves his seat closer to Jungkook and he giggles a little patting his hand on Jungkook's biceps "You've  grown up well too. I mean look at these muscles."

Jungkook then rolls his shirt up a little more to brag "Oh it's nothing" he said in a cocky manner

For the rest of thr night they would only be in each other's presence. The group of students even moved to the club after eating dinner.

Jimin and Jungkook couldn't keep their hands off of each other. They would get drunk not only on the drinks but on each other as they danced all night.

Jimin felt like he was living his ultimate fantasy to have the one and only hit guy he's fantasized about touching his body all over.

Jimin at some point danced sexually against Jungkook's body. When he turned around to wrap his arms around Jungkook's neck they kissed.

The kiss was passionate and lustful. Jungkook hands slips down to Jimin's butt as he dominates the kiss.

The kiss was wet as jungkook wraps his mouth and sucks Jimin's thick lips. He would also open his mouth so that Jungkook slips his tongue into his hot cavern. It felt like it was only them in the room.

No one else mattered and they were probably in the middle of the dancing floor french kissing for maybe ten minutes straight.

But people around them dared not to interrupt them mostly because it was normal in these settings.

And also it wasn't anyone else's business. Taehyung did notice this from a far and was a bit worried.

Through out the night some students that already knew Jungkook say that he was a total playboy.

This is Taehyung's first time meeting Jimin but he felt that maybe he should protect the guy from heart break.

Or at least protect him from doing anything drastic while heavily under the influence.

Jimin moans "You're a great kisser too" he said pulling away "Should we take this somewhere else?

Jungkook "Fuck yeah...let's go to the restroom. Follow me"

Jungkook slips through the sweaty dancing bodies. Jimin follows after him. They were close to the restroom until he felt a hand pull him back. It was Taehyung and he looked concerned.

"Jimin let's go back to the dorm. There's an emergency" He said never letting go of the smaller's hand

Jimin looks to the restroom and then to Taehyung "B-But I was gonn— Okay"

Jimin's let's Taehyung take him out the club. They begin walking or more like Jimin was stumbling outside towards the university campus.

Jimin didn't realize how drunk he was until he got a touch of the cool night air touching his skin. The world was spinning.

"Jeon Jungkook!" Jimin kept giggling "I've got you now!"


I don't know why, but this chapter in particular I didn't feel like writing lol



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