3. GO

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Today was love day. A typical day where students will give their friends love day related gifts. Jimin made a little arts and crafts as well as making candy packs for his class.

He gave them when it was time for live day exchange. Jimin shyly gave everyone their gifts and they all happily thanked him.

Even even got some gifts as well. They were never love confessions though because people made it clear they weren't attracted to Jimin.

Jimin didn't mind friendly love day gifts. He only cared for Jungkook anyways. Speaking of Jungkook he noticed that he was walking around school gift-less.

It was surprising because despite Jungkook being the schools known delinquent, he has a few fans.

Jimin looks down at the last gift he made specifically for Jungkook "You have to give it to him this time" he mumbles to himself

"Oh Jimin!" His friend Sujin came and playfully wraps his arms around Jimin's neck "Is that for Jungkook?" he teases

Jimin blushes "N-No I don't know what you're talking about!" he said hiding the gift behind him

"Oh just give it to him already! He's standing right there" Sujin said pushing Jimin towards Jungkook's direction

Jimin slowly makes his way to Jungkook. Suddenly he got unlucky when one of his very few fans came up to him with a love day gift.

It was some girl with glasses and she was smiling brightly at Jungkook. Jimin felt disappointed because Jungkook accepts it and then walks off.

"Dammit" Jimin said frustrated with himself "M-Maybe after school?"

The rest of the school day went by with Jimin being a nervous wreck. But he quickly packs his bag and makes his way out the school.

He walks slowly and even stops to look around for Jungkook. He only saw other students skipping off the school premises.

That was until Jimin turns around to see Jungkook coming out the door and walking to the front gate to leave.

Jimin just stands there nervous as he watched Jungkook leaving. He takes a deep breath, in and out, and then makes his way towards him.

Just as he was getting closer and closer his heart was pumping fast. But again some girl named Kwon Yuna came up to Jungkook.

She was the popular girl in school. In fact she has a boyfriend, his name is Do-hyun.What was she doing giving Jungkook a love day gift?

"Hey Jungkook I got you this yesterday. I hope you like it" she said with a flirtatious giggle

Jungkook looks at her a bit surprised. But he accepts the box of chocolates and a bag that shows a logo of a famous jewelry shop.

How the hell was this kid buying gifts at a jewelry shop! Oh right, Yena is another case of a kid that came from a wealthy family. Jimin wanted to cry there. How can he compete with that.

"Yah!" some loud voice from behind him yelled

Jungkook, Jimin, and Yuna turned to see a group of boys. It was Do-hyun and his friends angrily coming up toward Yuna and Jungkook. Jimin knew shit was about to go down.

"What the hell man? This is my girlfriend JEON!" Do-hyun screams

Jungkook just smirks "She doesn't seem like your girlfriend, giving other guys love day gifts"

Do-hyun pushes Jungkook hard causing him to crash into the giant brick wall the surrounds the school. Jungkook still has a cocky smirk on his face.

"I'll beat the crap out of you Jeon" Do-hyun growls angrily

"I'd like to see you try" Jungkook said with a raised eyebrow

And thus that's how a fight broke our between Do-hyun and Jungkook. Jimin watched in amazement seeing Jungkook fight.

He definitely knew how to hold his own and did more damage to Do-hyun. Some students nearby were encouraging the fight and some ran off to get the teachers.

Some teachers ran up the two boys and managed to get them off each other. They were then sent back into the school.

Do-hyun's face bruised up and Jungkook only had a busted lip from the first punch Do-hyun pulled. The students who were watching were told to keep moving and go home.

Jimin looks down at his love day gift for Jungkook and sighs
"I just wanted you to have this"


Any story ideas you guys would like to read? We do have 9 other books for the

Also I started following Jungkook's Tiktok when he was only at 13k followers lol

Also I started following Jungkook's Tiktok when he was only at 13k followers lol

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