13. TO

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Jungkook was standing outside of Jimin's dorm room. Taehyung was glaring at the man. He never hated Jungkook as he was a chill guy.

The only problem he has with him is that he's a raging whore. Taehyung only cared about this aspect of Jungkook because it effected his best fiend and roommate, Park Jimin.

So here Taehyung stands at the door of their dorm sizing Jungkook up and down. Jungkook wanting to be the dominant one in this situation also keeps a glare on his face. Jimin was in the bathroom doing his last minute makeup. He had told Jungkook to wait for a minute.

"Jeon, you better take care of Jimin" Taehyung said in a stern tone

"I don't think what goes on between Jimin and I matter to you" Jungkook retaliates

Taehyung scoffs "It does concern me as his best friend and roommate. Jimin cares for you. I don't know what he sees in you...but just don't hurt him"

"Taehyung!" Jimin shouts as he walks over to the two "Stop acting like my dad you're embarrassing me" Jimin said with a pout

"Be careful with this guy Jimin" Taehyung ignored the smaller man's complaint "But...have fun I guess"

Jimin and Jungkook make their way to Jungkook's motorcycle. Jimin tells them that their date will be at an amusement park. Jungkook surprisingly agreed to it and they were on their way.

Once inside the indoor amusement park, Jimin felt like he was living his childhood all over again. Amusement park dates seemed overrated Jimin hopes that the environment will get Jungkook to be more romantic with him instead of just lustful.

"When was the last time you've been to an amusement park?" Jimin asked

Jungkook shrugs "Maybe...I don't know when I was a freshman in high school. It was a school trip"

Jimin was in awe "Damn you went as a school trip? That's something I didn't expect— OH! Let's play that game over there"

Jimin points to a wack a mole machine. Jungkook nods his head and he followed the smaller male over to the machine.

The attendant told them the directions. They then got their giant hammers and in a stance ready to start watching the fake animatronic animals.

"How about we make a bet" Jungkook asked "Its me versus you. Loser has to buy lunch"

Jimin smirks "Deal! But don't underestimate me Kookie" he then laughs

Jungkook's ears went red as he watched and heard the most angelic thing. Jimin was truly something else. He in fact didn't even realize the game started because he was so busy in his thoughts of Park Jimin.

Jimin was already in the lead attacking the appropriate animatronics. Jungkook started hitting them too and the timer above the machine was dwindling down.

It was until it got to zero that a horn blows and the game ends. Jimin jumps up and down to see that he scored five points more than Jungkook did

"Ha! SEE I told you!" Jimin teases

The game attendant smiles and ask Jimin which stuffed animal he should pick. Jimin chooses a small duck plush.

He was excited to receive it and shows it off to Jungkook. Meanwhile Jungkook was pretending he was upset but in all actuality he was amused and thought Jimin was cute.

"Okay how about we play two more games. And then the loser pays for lunch?" Jungkook tried to compromise

Jimin thinks about it "hmm...okay sure. But i'll just beat your ass again haha!"

Jungkook couldn't help but to laugh at that "I'm super competitive and good at everything I do...I don't think you can handle me Park"

They then played two more games at this park. The second game was the strength game where you punch a punching bag. Jungkook won this game with a scary high score.

Jimin then remembered the rumors of Jungkook's family being gangsters. Jungkook felt very prideful about his strength. He won a teddy bear and he decided to give it to Jimin. That made Jimin squeal in happiness.

When it was the final game it was dance dance revolution. Jimin is an actual dancer so he felt that it would look bad if he lost. Jimin tried his absolute hardest when they picked a hard song.

Thankfully the favor worked for Jimin and he ends up winning. Again this time he jumps around like a cute little kid and rubs it cutely unit Jungkook's face. Jungkook wasn't even mad. In fact he was having a fun time.

"Should we get food and then go on some rides?" Jungkook asked walking hand and hand with Jimin

"Fuck yeah I'm starving"

They go to a corn dog restaurant that was inside of the amusement park. It was busy and so Jimin decided to find a table for them while Jungkook goes in line to purchase.

Once everything was settled Jungkook carried the two corn dogs and sits across from Jimin. Immediately they began digging in even though the food was hot and steamy.

"Wow this is amazing" Jimin said with food in his mouth. His face full looking like a cute chipmunk "Want to try this cheese and corn dog mix?"

Jungkook nods his head. Jimin brings his corn dog closer to Jungkook so he can take a bite. Jungkook takes a bite and nods his head in approval. He then lets Jimin take a bite of his sweet potato covered corn dog.

"Hmm! that's so good. Better than expected" Jimin moans from the taste

They start talking about small causal things. Jimin never brought up why it seems that Jungkook was avoiding him for while. He didn't feel it was important since Jungkook agreed to go on this amusement park date.

Things were going well until Jungkook got distracted by his phone. Jimin noticed he kept smiling at his phone a lot. He felt the need to ask.

"Who's got you smiling like that when there's a whole Park Jimin in front of you" Jimin jokingly said flipping his imaginary long hair

Jungkook just chuckles "Oh some girl I met at the club the other day. I think she wants to meet up"

Just then Jimin's smile turned into a frown. He throws his corn dog on the table and the ketchup splattered a little on Jungkook. He looks up from his phone in surprise to see an angry Jimin.

"Damn what's wrong?" Jungkook questions

"You're so fucked up you know that?" Jimin scoff "This date is over, fuck you!"

Jimin them walks off and Jungkook looks at Jimin in surprised. There were a few people in the area that witnessed the whole thing. Jungkook just bows in apology.

He gets up from his seat to run after Jimin. But Jimin was gone. Jungkook was alone in the crowd of people at the amusement park. His heart did feel heavy, as the guilt weighed his mind.


This chapter was a a bit long, but I feel like it was necessary.

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