Ch.1 The Reaping

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"Y/N! WAKE UP!" I heard before being jumped on, I sighed, "Good morning Fiona." Fiona is my little sister, she's 14 years old and I'm 16 years old. I got out of bed and looked over at Fiona, "Today is reaping day, you need to go wash up." Fiona frowned, "Okay..." Fiona walked into the bathroom and I walked to the kitchen, "Good morning Mags." I waved to my caretaker, Mags, who had found me and Fiona on the side of the road 12 years ago. Mags raised us, because we had no one since both of our parents died in a fishing accident. Mags looked over and smiled at me, she then pointed at what she was cooking and I sat down at the table. I heard someone coming down the stairs and it was my older 'brother' Finnick, Finnick was practically my brother, even though he and Annie had their own houses in Victor's village they decided to stay with me, Fiona, and Mags because Mags couldn't take care of us and herself. "Hey Finnick." I said. Finnick turned to me and smiled, "Hello Y/N." Mags placed a plate of eggs in front of me, she looked up at Finnick and motioned for him to sit down, "Okay, okay, I'll eat." Finnick sat down and we both started eating our breakfast. Fiona walked into the room wearing her reaping dress which used to be mine, it was a dusty red with a white collar and white lace at the bottom, "You look beautiful Fiona!" I said while pulling her into a hug. I turn to Mags and she hands me a dress, My reaping dress from last year is now too short but Mags made me a new one. "Thank you, Mags." I then walked to the bathroom.

Hot water is very rare in a district 4 and probably every district but communication between districts is illegal, so I have no idea. I took the bucket of cold water and poured it over my head with a sigh. I scrubbed my body and then put on my new dress, it's a muted blue color and had fake fishing hooks hanging off the ends. I knew that this year I was going to volunteer, I had talked to Finnick and Annie, who both agreed that I was strong enough and knew enough about surviving. I sighed and looked at myself but I couldn't bring myself to smile. I haven't smiled in a long time, ever since Finnick decided to train me for The Hunger Games I couldn't bring myself to smile, I was too worried for my future and my sister's future. Thankfully we were probably the richest family due to 3 winner incomes, so I don't need to worry about her not getting a good education or not getting things she wants. I walk out of the bathroom and Finnick, Annie, and Mags are getting ready to take me and my sister to the reaping. 

We get there and Finnick and Annie go to the mentor's area while Mags goes to the parents area. They had decided Mags shouldn't be a Mentor anymore due to her inability to speak. I got in line with the other 16 year old girls and Fiona gets in line with the other 14 year old girls,




It was finally my turn, I let them prick my finger and my name flashed across the screen of the machine, 'Y/N Odair.' My sister and I had adopted Finnick's last name when Mags took us in and introduced us, Y/N Odair sounded much cooler than Y/N Flanagan. I got into the row of girls and sighed, where I volunteer or get chosen, I'm going into The Hunger Games this year and I might not come out. Our districts escort, Paula Canford, walked onto the stage, "Welcome district 4! I would like to start with introducing this year's Mentors, Finnick Odair and Annie Cresta! Now we have a video straight from The Capitol!" The video was the same one they played every year and I zoned out until Paula starting talking again, "This year we are going to switch it up and start with the girls." Paula waddled over to the bowl and grabbed one from the top, Paula waddled back over to the microphone, "Carla Huwey!" Wait I know her, I think she sells fish hooks with her mother. I throw my hand into the air, "I Volunteer As Tribute!" Paula grins, "We have a volunteer!" I walked through the other girls and onto the stage, Paula turned to me, "So, what's your name?" I sigh, "Y/N Odair." Paula looks at Finnick and then me, "Are you related to Finnick Odair by any chance?" I look at Finnick, "Yes, he's my brother." Paula smiles, "Everyone give it up for Finnick's little sister, Y/N!" No one claps. Paula scoffs, "Well moving to the boys." Paula waddles to the boys bowl she reaches to the bottom and grabs a paper, Paula waddles back, "Nathan Huwey!" The boy walks up to the stage quickly. Nathan is Carla's older brother, it could've been brother vs sister... Now I'm glad I volunteered. Nathan shakes my hand, he looks about 18 years old, he smiles but I don't. We are then both swiftly taken away.

I look around the Justice Hall, "I like the blue and green theme," I look over at Nathan who I realized is the one who spoke, "You like interior design?" I ask, Nathan shrugs, "I appreciate it." We are then both taken to separate rooms, Mags and Fiona walk in, Fiona smiles, "You'll do great." Mags smiles and I hug her, "Thank you for everything Mags." The two leave and I sit alone with my thoughts till Carla enters, "You must be Carla..." Carla looks at me, "Thank you." I shake her hand and she puts a ribbon in my hand, "It's silk. I want you to have it. I use it to tie my hair back." I lake the ribbon and tie my hair into a ponytail with the ribbon, "Thank you..." Carla leaves and both Nathan and I are pulled out of the separate rooms and onto a train.

I look at Finnick and then at Annie, "Well, my life is gonna be short." I throw myself onto a chair, "So brother please tell me. How do I survive?" I was in no way taking this seriously, I mean why should I? I grab a glass of water and take a sip, "EW WTF!?" Annie laughs at me and Finnick explains, "It's sparkling water." I scoff, "More like spicy water!" I stomped off to my room and changed into a plain black tee shirt and green cargo pants, I sat on the bed and pulled the ribbon out of my hair and tie it around my wrist. I will win, for Carla, for Fiona, for Mags, for Annie, and most of all for Finnick. I walk back into the main room in the train, "Can you guys tell us what you know about each tribute?" Finnick grabs the tv remote, "Sure, sit down and we'll start." Nathan and I sit down and look at the TV, "This is Marvel from district one, he volunteered and has been training his whole life, he is good with a spear." Finnick clicked the remote, "This is Glimmer same as Marvel except she is okay with a bow." Finnick clicks the remote again, "This is Cato," I looked at Cato and felt butterflies in my stomach, he was cute, muscular, charming, and I might as well be in love, Finnick continued, "He's been training his whole life is very strong, he is great with a sword. Finnick flipped to Clove, "This is Clove, she's good with daggers and has a big crush on Cato." My blood started to boil. I didn't even know Cato and I wanted to rip out Clove's throat. Finnick flipped through the rest and here are the important ones.

Thresh: Strong and big

Rue: Small, clever, and smart

Peeta: Cute but not as cute as Cato, Strong

Katniss: Good with bow, and not a people person

After Finnick was done I went back to my room and went to sleep, I didn't care if it was only 4pm now, we would be arriving at The Capitol the next day, I needed to sleep. I had been training with Finnick for years, I know everything Finnick knows. I laid on my bed and started to cry, I didn't wanna be here but I promised Finnick I'd volunteer. I cried myself to sleep and couldn't stay awake.

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