Ch.8 The Games Continue

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I woke up and Cato and Clove were talking. "Oh hey Y/N" Cato said while helping me up. "We were just talking about who should go to The Feast." I raised an eyebrow, "The Feast?" Clove looked shocked, "Yes, The Feast that was announced last night." Oh, right I passed out for a good amount of time. "Oh, I passed out yesterday." I said looking at the ground. Cato walked over to me, "Speaking of yesterday what happened to your shoulder?" I put my hand on my should and remembered the pain I had felt, "Katniss shot me." Cato sighed, "I guessed that's what happened." Clove looked at us both, "I'm going to the cornucopia for The Feast." Cato looked at Clove and smiled, "Alright, just yell if you need help." Clove packed up her bag and ran towards the cornucopia. Cato and I stayed put, "So, two people can go home." I said looking at Cato and he smiled, "Yup and it's gonna be me and you." I hugged Cato, "I wouldn't want it any other way." I kissed Cato on the cheek and smiled, "Well, I can't wait to." We sat down and decided to eat some of the food we had left. I was eating some raisins when I heard Clove yell, "CATO, Y/N!"

 I jumped up and so did Cato. We ran to the cornucopia as we got there I saw Katniss running into the woods, "THAT BITCH!" I yelled, "CURSE YOU KATNISS EVERDEEN!" I screamed as Cato made it to Clove's side. I rushed next to them and Clove was on the verge of death, "Cato, Y/N, you made it." Clove was whispering, "I'm so sorry Clove..." I felt a tear running down my cheek. We heard a cannon go off, and she was dead. I closed her eyes and stood up, "I hate Katniss, I hate what she did, and what she's done. First Glimmer, then Marvel, now Clove, who's next Foxface? Me? Cato?" Cato held me close, "We need to go now." I looked at the table the district 4 bag was still there, "Wait, speaking of district 4, Nathan hasn't died..." I grabbed the district 4 bag and Cato and I sprinted off, we noticed that someone took the district 2 bag. I looked back and saw Thresh, wait Katniss doesn't have the strength to kill Clove against the side of the cornucopia, "THRESH!" 

I pulled out 2 knives and ran after Thresh, I threw one and I heard Cato unsheathe his sword, I got Thresh in the leg and he stumbled, I threw another knife and it hit Thresh's other leg and he fell, I caught up to him and Cato stabbed him in the back, I knelt down and looked at Thresh in the eyes, "For Clove." We heard the cannon go off and I grabbed the district 2 bag that was in his hand, I also grabbed the district 11 bag. "Let's go." I said and we ran off.

 We reached the clearing where Glimmer had died all those nights ago, her body was gone which is normal. I climbed into the tree Katniss was in and sat down, "I miss Glimmer." I said while twisting the ring district 1 had gifted me. I climbed higher and looked around, my eyes met someone else's, Foxface, who was also in a tree looking around. She put her finger over her mouth and I understood, she's my friend I won't rat her out yet. I climbed out of the tree and walked up to Cato, "nothing." We sat down and opened the district 4 pack, "It's a container of-" I opened the container and couldn't speak, it had some of Mag's famous cookies. I grabbed one and began to cry, "Mag's cookies." I took a bite, definitely Mags, she always put a 4 on the bottom but these one's had 4+2. I handed Cato the container, "Flip one over." Cato grabbed one and flipped it over, "4+2" I smiled as Cato bit into the cookie, "These are great!" he said with a smile. We ate a few cookies and saved the rest. I put the container in my backpack. I stood up as I heard a sound, I snuck towards the sound and "NATHAN!?" I grabbed him by the ear and brought him into the clearing. He hugged me and my blood began to boil, "DON'T TOUCH ME!" I threw him off but he kept smiling, "We can both go home to district 4!" I put my hand on the last knife in the carrier around my waist. "The thing is, I don't want to go home with you..." I said smirking, I pulled out my knife and stabbed him in the stomach, "I got a six because I didn't try." I pulled the knife out and stabbed him again. "Goodbye Nathan." I pulled the knife out an a cannon went off. Cato just looked at me, "He was from your district!" I kicked his dead body, "He's a pedophile from my district." I looked at Cato, "He's 18 and has been hitting on me, a 16 year old, the whole time." I pulled Carla's ribbon out of my hair and wrapped it around his wrist, "It's his sister's." I walked back over to Cato and we opened the district 11 pack, a weapon, I threw it into Nathan's dead body. "He's already dead, Y/N." Cato said as he rolled his eyes. I smiled, "Just making sure." We opened the district 2 pack and it had two sets of armor, I took the smaller one and Cato and I put the armor on. "So, now we wait." I said, I looked at the sky an the sun was going down. I looked at Cato and he laid his head on my shoulder, I smiled and took off the shoulder piece so Cato could be comfortable. I looked at the sky and smiled, "We are getting out of here together. After an hour or two the sky lit up and the fallen tributes where shown, Clove, Thresh, and Nathan. I smiled and laid my head on top of Cato's and fell asleep.

I was awoken by a cannon. I shot up, "CATO?" I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked and it was Cato. I looked at the sky, "IT'S NOON?" Cato smiled, "Just about." We sat down and I pulled out the last of our food and we ate. As day turned to night I heard a growl, "What was that?" I stood up and a dog was staring at us, it wasn't a regular dog it was a mutt but it had brown fur and green eyes exactly like Nathan's I looked at the collar, 4. "RUN!" Cato and I began to run and we made it to the cornucopia, "WHERE TO?" Cato asked, I looked around and smiled, "ON TOP!" Cato helped me onto the cornucopia and I helped him up. We looked across the way and it was Katniss and Peeta. Cato grabbed Peeta and looked at Katniss, "Shoot and I'll snap his neck." I looked at Cato then at Katniss, I saw Peeta draw an X on Cato's hand, "NO! CATO!" Katniss shot Cato's hand and Peeta threw his over the edge, he killed a few of the mutts but then 3 of the mutts began to protect him, one big on with features like Marvel's with a 1 on the collar, and two small ones with features like Clove and Glimmer with 2 on one of the collars and a 1 on the other. I turned around and Katniss shot me in the shoulder, "OW!" Peeta frowned and pushed me off. I got to my feet and noticed another mutt begin to help, it had ginger fur with eye's like Foxface's I smiled and pulled out the knife I had used to kill Nathan, I helped to fight off the other mutts but one pounced on Marvel's mutt, "MARVEL! NO!" The Marvel mutt fell to the ground, I killed the mutt who attacked The Marvel mutt. We had killed about 10 mutts when one jumped on me, Nathan's mutt. I stabbed it but it bit into my arm. I killed the Nathan mutt but my arm was severely injured, thankfully it wasn't the arm I use to attack but I was still messed up. A giant mutt jumped on Clove, the mutt had an 11 on it's collar, "Thresh." I gritted my teeth and watch Cato stab the Thresh mutt but it was to late Clove's mutt was dead. A tiny mutt bit my ankle and I kicked it in the face, it also had an 11 on it's collar, Rue. I stabbed the tiny mutt but felt an arrow hit me in the chest, I looked up and it was Katniss, "Why?" I asked as I began to cry, "Why did you kill Glimmer? or Marvel? or anyone else I loved?" I fell to the ground and blacked out.

Cato's POV

I heard a thud, "Y/N!" I turned and she was on the ground. I kept fighting off mutts with Glimmer's mutt and the ginger mutt, she must've been Y/N's friend, I didn't recognize her but that doesn't matter. We killed almost all of the mutts, until there were 3 remaining. I heard a cannon, it was for Y/N. I looked at the ginger mutt and she looked at me, I smiled and let one of the mutts attack me. I had no reason to live. The ginger mutt and Glimmer's mutt looked at each other and walked away. I saw Katniss and she shot me with an arrow putting me out of my misery. Everything faded to black...

Author's Note: I know its sad but I intended on Cato and Y/N dying in the end. Katniss and Peeta win and everything is exactly how it is in the original series after this, well except for one thing...

Katniss POV

They are on the train for their tour

I looked over at Peeta, "Do you ever think about Cato and Y/N?" Peeta just kept looking out the window, "Every night." I sighed, "They actually loved each other. Y'know, it haunts me every night." Peeta looked at me, "What does?" "Y/N's last words, she asked me why I killed those people. The Hunger Games is about killing but she still was upset, like it was personal." Peeta stood up and began to walk away, "Killing is always personal." I watched as Peeta walked to his room. His words stung in my head, he's right, it's always personal.


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