Ch.4 Impossible Love

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I open my eyes and I can feel my face heat up, Cato's arms are wrapped around me, and I'm laying on top of him. "Cato, wake up." Cato's eyes slowly open and he realizes the situation, "Hello Y/N." Cato lets go and we both sit up. I look above the elevator and smile, "It's only 4am. We have time." Cato and I both lean on the tree, "So, how did you sleep?" Cato asks with a smirk. I smile, "God you're annoying but I slept well." Cato put his arm around me teasingly, "I also slept well." Cato let go and smiled, "We should probably go." Cato and I both stand up and head to the elevator. I press the 4 button, "So, Cato what are you going to do if you win?" I ask. Cato's smile is wiped away, "I guess I'll probably work towards being a good mentor and helping other district 2 tributes, how about you?" I think for a minute, "I'm going to buy the girl a volunteered for clothes, food, and give her a good life." The elevator doors open and I give Cato a hug shocking him, "See ya." I walk out of the elevator with a smile.

"Y/N! WHERE WERE YOU?" Finnick asks in a panicked voice, I try to calm him down, "I fell asleep on the roof with my friends." Finnick sighed, "Don't scare me like that." I smiled and walked to my room. I took a shower and changed into my training uniform. I did a half up and half down hairstyle and walked into the dining room, I grabbed my breakfast, "I'm going to my breakfast buddies." I say buddies or friends instead of Cato so that everyone thinks it's a group and not me just hanging out with this one boy. I walk into the elevator but it gets called to the 2nd floor, that's fine. The doors opened on the 2nd floor and Cato stepped into the elevator with Clove following him in, "Clove feels the need to follow me since I didn't come back last night." Clove pressed the first floor, "I invited Glimmer and Marvel too." Cato stood next to me and we both started eating our breakfast. Glimmer and Marvel got onto the elevator and I pressed roof. The doors opened again and we were on the roof, I threw my plate into the trash can and climbed the tree Cato and I slept under last night, I watch as Cato copies me and we both start to laugh uncontrollably as Glimmer also tries to get into the tree, "This is Cato and I's tree." I say confidently. Cato smiles, "Yeah it is." We fist bump and I add, "If you guys are going to ruin Breakfast Buddies then we'll sit in this tree until training starts." I climb a spot where I can watch the sunrise, "Cato! The sun." Cato climbs over and I start to hum 'Meant to be Yours' Cato joins in and we hum as the sunrises. Glimmer sat down under us, "Could y'all cut it out?" I scoff, "This is our time, you guys don't have to be here." Cato jumped down and offered me his hand, I took his hand and he helped me land softly on the ground. Clove looked pissed, "You two have been barely training!" Cato rolled his eyes, "We are both going to be fine." I smirked, my plan is too fake being weak but no one other than Finnick needs to know that. We looked at the clock, "8am. We need to go." We all got into the Elevator and went to the training center.

"We are 30 mins early!" I say before tapping Cato on the shoulder, "You're it!" I run and Cato starts chasing me, I climb up the climbing course and jump down 7 feet and land safely. I feel someone's arms around my waist, "GET O-" I turn around, "Oh its you." I calm down, it's just Cato. Cato smirks, "You're it." Clove walks over to us and whispers, "People are going to be here any minute!" I smile, "Thanks Clove." 

Cato pulls me into an area where no one can see us, my eyes meet his, so soft and gentle, every time he looks at me his eyes soften and he becomes at peace, "I love you." I can't believe what he's saying, I cup my hands around his face and kiss his lips, Cato looks at me stunned, "Damn Y/N, you're a great kisser." I giggle, "I love you too." I kiss Cato on the nose and walk back into the Training Center leaving him alone with his obviously red face.

"Hey Glimmer," I saw while walking up to her and Marvel. Glimmer turns around, "Hey, what's up?" I smile,  Marvel chuckles a little. "Hey guys." It's Cato, "Hey Cato!" I say with a smile.

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