Ch.3 Training with Allies

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I was awoken by a familiar voice, Annie's voice, "Wake up, wake up." I looked at Annie, "hello." Annie pointed to the side tabled, "I set your training clothes out for you." I smiled and Annie's eyes widened, "y-y-you smiled... y-you're welcome Y/N." Annie walked out of the room with a big smile across her face. I stood up and grabbed the clothes and took a shower, I got dressed and tied my hair into a ponytail using Carla's ribbon. I walked into the dining room, Finnick looked at me, "Is what Annie saying true?" Nathan looked at me then Finnick, "She smiled a few times yesterday..?" Finnick looked at Nathan and then at me, "You haven't smiled in quite a while, I'm glad to see you getting better, but I want to know why" I mumbled, "my alliance" I grabbed a plate and put some fruit and a blue berry muffin. "I'm going out." I walked to the elevator and clicked the button, the doors open and I see Cato also holding his breakfast, "Hey Cato!" I say happily. I walked into the elevator, "Hello, Y/N. I was going to the roof how about you?" I smile, "I'm going anywhere but I could join you if you are okay with it?" Cato smirked, "Sure, breakfast buddies?" I chuckle, "Breakfast buddies." We got to the roof and the elevator doors opened, I stepped out and Cato followed. We found a good spot to watch the sunrise and eat. "I'm glad I ran into you Cato, but what happened that made you leave your group?" Cato frowned, "I got into an argument with Clove, we where talking about the alliance and she wanted Nathan and I told her, no. What about you?" I looked down at my food, "I smiled at Annie this morning and it caused something awkward because I haven't smiled in 11 years and I guess it's true but, I'm going to die soon so why stay upset in my last days?" Cato smirked, "You've smiled at least a dozen times since I met you, do you know why that is?" I felt my face getting hot, "I smiled a few times before meeting you, don't flatter yourself." I smirked. Cato and I then sat in silence as the sun came up. 

"I always enjoyed watching the sunrise back in district 4, I'd wake up early and sit on the roof and I'd watch the sun come up as I thought about my past, present, and my inevitable future in these games." I said before continuing to eat my muffin. I started humming a song, 'Meant to be Yours.' Cato chuckled, "I know that song," Cato started humming along. Once the song was over we looked at each other and I laughed, "What an interesting love song... It was apparently around when Panem was the United States of America." Cato looked at the clock above the elevator, "We need to go to training." We both put our plates in the trash can and called the elevator, we got into the elevator but then a good bit of the buttons lit up, "Well I guess we are going on an adventure." I say with a smirk. First Peeta and Katniss on the 12th floor got on then Rue and Thresh from the 11th then Nathan from the 4th and then Clove from the 2nd and lastly Marvel and Glimmer from the first floor. We all arrived to the training center and where we lined up, the training lady, who I didn't learn the name of, told us about survival in the wild and what we should be doing.

 I grabbed a bow and a quiver and some knives. I stepped into the simulation and got ready, I hadn't tried this just yet but y'know what the training center is a much better testing area then the actual games. I grabbed a knife and shot it with my bow, it works. I repeated this and then threw my bow on the ground and just started throwing the knives. I beat the simulation and caught Cato's eyes, he tried looking away but I walked up to him and he smirked, "So, we where both right at the Parade, you can fight and I am more than a pretty face." I watched Cato train with a sword, "Not bad but try slashing too, stabbing will only do so much." I watched Cato change his grip and slash a few dummies, Cato turned to me and smiled, "Why do you feel the need to watch me?" Cato says with a big, stupid grin. I chuckle, "God, Cato. You're my ally, right? I need to know the skill's of the people I'm entrusting my life with." Cato looked pleased with that answer and I walked over to Glimmer.

"Hey girl." I say dropping my smile. Glimmer turns to me, "So you said you're skilled with a bow, let's see who's better." I smirk knowing this will be good, "Alright give me 2 seconds, I run and grab some knives and then come back. "Rules are simple you get 3 shots. The bullseye is 5 points, the area around that is 3 and so on and so forth." I say confidently, "Start." Glimmer nocks her arrow and hits the 2 point area, I giggle as I nock my knife and hit the bullseye. Glimmer hits the 1 point, I hit the 3, Glimmer hits 3, I hit bullseye again. I smirk, "I won, I got 13 points. Glimmer only got 6!" I announce to everyone. I can see Cato smiling, Clove smirking, and Marvel looking disappointed. I walked over to the rest of the Careers with a smirk, Glimmer was too cocky and needed to be knocked down a peg, so I did it myself. "Hey guys." I say joyfully. Cato puts his arm around me, "Nice job. You really are a career." Clove gave me a high-five and Marvel just looked at Glimmer with a disappointed face. I looked around, "I'm gonna go study up on plant knowledge." I walk over to the plant center knowing mt face was red because of Cato, I don't like him but it's just I can't think of the word for it, not embarrassing but definitely frustrating. Cato's messing with my head. 

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