Ch.6 Interviews

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I stood in my spot and waited for Cato's name to be called, first was Glimmer.

"District 1 Female, GLIMMER!"

Then, Marvel.

"District 1 Male, MARVEL!"

Then, Clove.

"District 2 Female, CLOVE!"

Then, finally, Cato.

"District 2 Male, CATO"

I looked at the screen and watched Cato's interview.

"Hello Cato," Caesar said. "Hello Caesar." Cato said as they shook hands. "So, Cato please walk me through the meaning of your outfit." Caesar asked looking him up and down. Cato smiled, "Well, the silver represents the color of the weapons my district makes and the blue tie represents my girlfriend." Caesar raised an eyebrow, "Girlfriend? Ladies and Gentleman you heard it here, Cato has a lucky girl. So Cato who is this lucky girl?" Cato smiled, "Well, many of you know her. She is a kind and gentle girl, who I love with all of my heart, Y/N Odair from district 4." Caesar's jaw dropped, "Finnick Odair's little sister!?" Cato nodded, "Yes." Caesar smiled, "Well, that's definitely a twist!" The buzzer went off and Caesar smiled, "We will continue this with your lover, Y/N. CATO HADLEY EVERYONE!" Cato waved bye to the crowd and came back stage and I hugged him.

All the tributes who didn't know looked surprised but the Careers just smiled. Cato and I kissed and he sat down. I looked around at the other tributes and then back at Cato and who was smirking, I couldn't help but giggle. "Cato, love, you've got a bit of lipstick on your lips." Cato looked embarrassed and wiped his lips. "I did." He said with a smile. I watched the district 3 male tribute go onto stage, I'm next. I looked back at Cato who was walking up to me, he but his arms around my waist and I laid my head on his chest, "I'm nervous." I said while I wrapped my arms around Cato. I smiled and gave Cato a kiss on the cheek and he sat back down but left the kiss mark there. God, I love him. I heard the buzzer go off and I flattened out my dress.

"Next, we have Y/N Odair, Finnick Odair's little sister!"

I walked onto the stage and waved to the crowd. "Hello Caesar!" I said as I sat down, "Hello, Y/N!" Caesar said with a smile. "So, is it true? That you and Cato are dating?" Caesar asked. I smiled, "Yes, Caesar it is true." Caesar jumped up, "DID YOU HEAR THAT? IT'S COMFIRMED CATO AND Y/N ARE A COUPLE!" Caesar sat back down, "So, how did Cato feel about your training score?" I looked at the ground and then back at the crowd, "Cato said that my score doesn't define me and if he needs to he'll protect me." The crowd erupted, "Awwwww" Caesar smiled, "So, are you willing to lose for Cato to win?" I frowned, "I love Cato and living without him is a fate worse than death." Caesar looked at the crowd, "She's a keeper!" Caesar then looked at me, "Lastly, what's it like being Finnick's little sister?" I smiled, "Well, I live with 3 victors, Finnick, Mags, and Annie, plus my little sister, Fiona and I've been training for this since before my brother was even in the games." I looked at Caesar and the buzzer went off, "Well, everyone give a round of applause to the beautiful Y/N ODAIR!!!" I was about to walk off stage when Cato walked onto the stage and we kissed, Caesar jaw dropped and the camera zoomed in on us. We both let go and I wiped the lipstick off of Cato's lips. I waved bye to the crowd and we both walked off stage.

Once we were back stage I pulled Cato's face to mine and kissed him. "I love you." I mumbled in the kiss. Cato bit my lip and I pulled back, "I love you too." he said. We sat down and watched everyone else do their interviews, at the end Peeta confessed that he had a crush on Katniss. Peeta walked back stage Katniss pinned him to the wall and starting yelling at him, I chuckled and laid my head on Cato's shoulder, "I'm glad we aren't like that." Cato kissed my forehead and I smiled. We stood up and got in line to line up on stage, we went to our separated spots and everyone walked on stage. The male tributes bowed and the female tributes curtsied. Cato them motioned to me and I undid my hair and then put it into a ponytail and ran up to his. I kissed Cato and the crowd went wild. Cato spun me and I bowed to him before going back to my spot. Finnick gave me a thumbs up from the crowd, Cato and I just stole the show, we are all anyone is gonna be talking about other then Katniss and Peeta's drama they are our biggest competition. Clyde was grinning big and Annie looked very excited.

We all walked back off the stage and I threw my arms around Cato's neck and a random tribute yelled, "We get it! You two love each other! GET A ROOM!" I giggled and kissed Cato and walked off to meet with Finnick and the other district 4 team members. Finnick hugged me, "That's my little sister!" I smiled and gave Annie a hug, "Great job, Y/N" I gave Clyde a hug and he smiled, "You rocked that dress." We all went back to the apartments and ate dinner.

"Well I'm full." I said and I walked to my room and changed into shorts and a tank top. I walked over to the elevator and saw Cato was standing right next to it, "Let's go." Cato and I got into the elevator and I pressed the roof button. The doors closed and Cato walked over to me and I laid my head on his chest, "Shhhhhh. I'm tired." I said before closing my eyes. I heard the doors open and Cato picked me up, bridal style and carried me over to a bench. Cato sat down and I laid my head on his lap. I start shivering and Cato chuckled, "Cold?" I nodded my head and he took off his jacket and put it on me. "Thanks..." I mumbled before falling asleep. 

A/N: I KNOW! It's only 1047 words but the next chapter will be longer!

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