Ch.7 The Games

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I wake up and I'm in my bed. Cato's jacket is around me and I smiled. I stood up and went to take a shower. I began to hum, 'Deep in the Meadow'. I turn the temperature of the shower down and it starts to feel like home. I sigh and get out of the shower. I grab Carla's ribbon out of my drawer and throw my hair into a ponytail. I grabbed the outfit off my bedside and got changed, I was about to walk into the main room when I spotted Cato's jacket, I put it on and left.

I walked into the main room and grabbed a muffin, I spotted Cato by the elevator. I nodded to Finnick and ran to Cato, we got into the elevator and Cato pulled me into him and I began to cry, "I don't wanna die, Cato!" Cato kissed the top of my head, "You're not gonna die, I won't let you." I wiped my tears, "You don't understand Cato, I don't wanna die but can't live without you. The doors opened to the roof and I walked over to the tree and sat down under it. Cato sat down next to me and he chuckled, "You're wearing my jacket." Cato laid his head on my lap and he smiled at me, "I love you." I smiled, "I love you too." I started playing with Cato's hair and he smiled as I giggled. We watched the sunrise and chatted until 8am. "It's time to go," I said as I offered Cato my hand. I helped Cato up and we went to the elevator. I pressed 4 and learned into Cato, "When we get to the arena, I'm going to run into the cornucopia." Cato nodded and I smiled as the elevator doors opened, "I'll see you later." I stepped out and blew Cato a kiss.

Finnick ran over to me, "We've got to go!" I followed Finnick into the elevator and he pressed ground floor. I followed Finnick around, it's all a blur now but once I was on the plane I sat down next to Cato and once everyone was sat down they came around to put our tracking devices on. I wasn't to nervous, they already waxed my body down a few days ago, this shouldn't be too painful. I looked at Cato and we held hands, "I love you," I whispered. Cato squeezed my hand, "I love you too." The plane took off and we were separated into our launching rooms, "Clyde" I gave Clyde a hug and he smiled, "Remember all of your training, be smart, and I know you'll win this." I nodded, "Thank you, for everything Clyde." A  1 minute countdown started and I sighed, "Could I get a glass of water?" Clyde gave me a glass of water and I chugged it. I whipped my mouth, "It's show time." I stepped into the tube and it closed, "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,"

The started to rise and I was in the arena, I sighed and looked around I saw Cato, Clove, Glimmer, Marvel, and Peeta. I smiled and the countdown started, 







I sprinted to the cornucopia and grabbed some knives. I turned behind me and shrieked, a random tribute was trying to kill me, I could see Cato behind him with a sword but this is just a tv show. I covered my face and heard Cato stab my attacker. I smiled sweetly and ran deeper into the cornucopia and Cato covered my back. I got water, food, 2 sleeping bags, 2 back packs, and other important supplies. I then threw Cato a pack and we ran over to Clove, Marvel, and Glimmer. Glimmer gave me a hug and I pointed to the area of the woods that I saw Peeta run into, "Peeta went that way, we could use him to find Katniss." Everyone nodded and we ran into the woods, "PEETA, YOU CAN'T HIDE!" Cato yelled. I smiled gently, "Please, Peeta I won't let them hurt you!" I heard some rustling and I ran to it, I found Peeta and I covered his mouth, "Shhhhhh, I won't kill you but you need to come with me." I smiled gently and Peeta seemed to relax. I stood up and helped Peeta up, "C'mon" I grabbed Peeta's wrist and pulled him to the other Careers, "Found him." I let go off Peeta's wrist and walked to Cato's side, he put his arm around me and Marvel walked up to Peeta, "So you're gonna help us find Katniss and you'll get to live." I gave Peeta a smile and he sighed, "Alright. I saw her go this way." We all followed Peeta for a bit until we found Katniss, "LOOK LOVER BOY FOUND HER!" Clove yelled and we all started chasing Katniss, Katniss climbed a tree and Cato tried to climb after her but fell. Both Glimmer and Cato tried to shoot her but failed. "God." I rolled my eyes and nocked a knife into Glimmer's bow and shot her in the leg, "Shit!" I looked at Cato and frowned. Peeta then spoke up, "She has to come down eventually, let's just wait." I smiled, "Alright." I sat down and took out some of my supplies, "Well, the suns going down. How about some dinner?" I threw everyone an apple, and beef jerky, "Eat up." I took a bite of my apple and Cato asked, "So how many sleeping bags do we have?" Clove spoke first, "I have 1." I smiled, "2" Marvel held up a sleeping bag, "1" and Glimmer smiled, "1" I chuckled, "So 5? Well, I can share with Cato. Here Peeta." I threw Peeta a sleeping bag and he smiled, "Thanks." I looked at Cato who had obviously been caught off guard by the sharing a sleeping bag thing, "What?" Cato looked away. "Hey, look." Marvel pointed to some smoke. Clove and Cato stood up, "Let's go." Marvel sat down under the tree and smiled, "I'm staying here." I motioned for Peeta to come with us and Clove, Glimmer, Cato, Peeta, and I all snuck up on the fire and Clove tackled her, "Goodnight." Clove stabbed her and she screamed. Clove, Cato, and Glimmer started walking back while laughing, I looked at Peeta and I went to the girls side, I pulled the knife out of her chest and closed her eyes, "Shhhhhh, sleep well." I stood up and followed the Careers, I looked back and Peeta was also following. We all got back to the tree and I yawned, "Imma hit the hay."  I searched through my bag for the other sleeping bag and got laid it down, Cato climbed in and I followed him. He wrapped his arms around me and I buried my face into this chest and we fell asleep.

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