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I never asked you to report to me every second of where you were.

But I did.

I texted you everywhere I went, I called you to let you know I was safe -

Not that you replied - once.

You had always been out with Alyssa Florent, and ignoring my text, or doing whatever you were doing.

Whenever you'd answer my calls, it was always a "I'm busy, I'll call you back later" or a cold-hearted "Don't call me right now".

And I won't.

I didn't.

I stopped.

I stopped being that goody good girl a long ago,

When I realised that you weren't worth it, I stopped calling.

But then I began calling again -

Because I'm stupid, worthless, and needy.

Needy of your love, your warmth, you -

And you trash me every single time.

And I take it, idiotically and willingly.

Because I wholeheartedly, unlike you, loved you.


If you'd like to send me your anonymous breakup experience to be written, please send it to me via PM. Your name won't be written out at all :).

So much love goes out to everyone that stuck alongside me whilst this book is still ongoing. Even though I'm in so much stuff right now, I'm still try my best to update as quick as I can.


57 Reasons to Break Up | Aaron RamseyWhere stories live. Discover now