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Tell me,

Did you ever cheat on me

With that supermodel?

Did you hear about her news at all? She's got implants everywhere on her body - nothing is real about her anymore,

And you might say something like: "Wow, you're biased about her" or curse me out as you always do when I say something unwanted by you.

But guess what, Aaron?

I found out from her loving brother through a series of lunch dates, annoying phone calls and disgusting emails.

You never asked me once about my safety,

It was three in the morning and I was stranded away,

I called you, but that model picked up. I was afraid to talk, and she hung up on me.

I felt hot tears drip down my cheeks, and I felt my entire world:

you -

collapse at my feet.

So tell me, Aaron-

Did you ever cheat on me?

57 Reasons to Break Up | Aaron RamseyWhere stories live. Discover now