Chapter 5: Changed World

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We were greeted to a lab with all sorts of furries, and about 20 cryo stasis chambers. "Get in. This'll preserve you for about 100 years." Rick said. "ONE HUNDRED?!" I exclaimed in shock. "Yep." Rick said. "I hope this isn't all a trick..." I said as I walked into a cryo stasis chamber. The lid thingy then closed, and I felt a very cold substance engulf my body. Everything went black.

100 Years Later

Everything went back to normal. The 100 years time passed by pretty quick in the chamber. The lid thingy then opened, causing me to gasp for air, and fall to the floor. Luckily it was a cryo stasis chamber, and not a trick to turn me into a furry or whatever. I was shivering, but still in my FCU gear and stuff. I then looked in the pods next to me, and Anthony's one opened. "Anthony!" I exclaimed. "Wow, I'm surprised that actually worked." Anthony said. I then looked over at Jame's pod, and nothing. I looked at Oliver's pod, and nothing. They were...dead. "Anthony...what happened to them?" I asked. "I'm not sure." Anthony replied, looking at their chambers. "God, I feel like I have a brain freeze." Anthony said while putting his hand on his forehead. "Yeah, me too..." I said. I and lost two squad members. It was just me and Anthony, and Rick didn't seem to be anywhere.

I looked at a computer on a desk, and there were cobwebs and everything all over the room. There was a human count, and a furry count. The numbers on humans were four, then went down to three. I stood in shock as with Anthony. "It's just us, and some random person." I said. "Wha- this can't be." Anthony replied. I then looked at the furry count. I stood in shock as I saw the number. ' 1,184,372,630 '. "HOW IN THE HELL ARE THERE A BILLION FURRIES?!" I yelled in pure shock. "I-I don't know." Anthony replied. "How are we even going to live like this. I bet Rick is probably dead right now..." I said. I then glanced over at Anthony, to see him almost tearing up. "You okay?" I asked. "Yes, I'm fine. It's just- oh, forget it." Anthony said. I then looked over at the elevator we came down into this place 100 years ago. "I won't let you die. I promise." I said. "Great. We should probably head out now." Anthony said.

"The human race is gone. Now we have furries ruling the world or whatever." I said. I then unholstered my glock, aiming down and turning safe mode off. I then walked into the elevator, pressing the 'Surface' button. A few moments later, the elevator doors opened. The world seemed normal. The sky was blue with barely any clouds, but it did seem like a nuke was dropped a long time ago. I kept my gas mask on in case it was toxic out here, same with Anthony. He then unholstered his glock, turning safe mode off. "This place looks abandoned." I said. We then walked more, to see the gas station. It looked like it had been repaired, which was odd. I then peeked inside, to see...furries running the gas station? "What the hell..." I said quietly. I saw multiple customers and a cashier doing normal gas station stuff, when they all looked at me. "IT'S A HUMAN!" One of them yelled. A furry then jumped onto me, causing my glock to get flung over to Anthony. "GAH!" I yelled as my body made a thud on the concrete. Anthony then shot the furry in the shoulder a few times. "OW!" The furry yelled. It then ran off.

I then heard sirens coming in our direction. "Well that's just great." I said as I got up. Anthony then handed my glock back to me, so I took it. I then saw multiple sheriff cars approaching fast. "Well that's just great. We're getting arrested by furries." Anthony said. "Come on, we have to get out of here." I said. We then ran towards a field, watching as the sheriff cars parked at the gas station. We're lucky we escaped. "Well then. I guess we're on the run." I said. "Yeah, that's not good." Anthony replied. I then leaned over putting my hands on my knees, as I ran out of breath. I looked back at the gas station. We seemed to be a few thousand feet away. "Well, it's nice to know they've established a society." I said. "Mhmm." Anthony replied.

"I wonder what they'll even try doing to us." I said. "They will probably just kill us and end the human race." Anthony replied. I was then walking on the sidewalks with Anthony, not knowing where to go. I then watched as multiple furries glared at us. "I really don't like how they're staring at us..." Anthony said. "Yeah, I don't either." I replied. I then watched as multiple furries pulled out their phones, staring at us and talking. They most likely dialed 911, but I was too confused on everything that's happening to even care. A few minutes later of walking, I watched as multiple sheriff cars approached us with their lights on. I then heard a voice behind me saying "GET ON THE GROUND!". I was too tired to even care, so I just ended up doing what the deputies told me to do. I got onto my stomach with my hands behind my head before they even yelled anything else.

I then felt my hands getting put in cuffs as a deputy pat me down. They removed all of my weapons, my backpack, and my gas mask. Basically everything on me except for my uniform. "You sure are cooperative." The deputy said as they shoved my stuff into their car. "Mhmm." I replied. I was then brought up by the deputy. "I'm taking you in to prison, come on." The deputy said. "What the hell did I even do to go to prison? That's a place for felonies." I asked. "Being on this planet." The deputy replied. "That's absolutely absurd!" I exclaimed. The deputy then slammed me onto the hood of his car, then grabbing me up by the hair. "NEVER QUESTION A DEPUTY!" The deputy yelled. He then shoved me into the back of the car, buckled me in, and slammed the door. "Well that sure was fucking dramatic." I said to myself in my head.

The sheriff deputy then drove me to the prison, doing all the usual stuff like getting me into my prison outfit, and locking me in a cell. I then sighed. "This is just great." I said to myself while laying down on my hard prison bed. This bed didn't even feel like a bed. It just felt like I was on a brick. And don't even get me started on the pillow...

𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚎𝚗  𝙴𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚑 ☣Where stories live. Discover now