Chapter 9: Locked Up

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Sorry for not being on the grind as much because know, life. Anyways uhhhhhhhhhh yeah sorry for the wait so this chapter is going to be longer than the other ones yeah okay go read now

I just couldn't get over Anthony's death. I wouldn't stop thinking about the choice I had made. But that was not the problem at the time. I glanced over at the sheriff vehicles approaching with their lights and sirens on. I took cover behind a brick house along with Rick. "They're going to fucking kill us. We are criminals now." Rick said. "Yeah, I kinda picked that up." I replied. "COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS AND PAWS IN THE AIR!" One sheriff yelled. I then grabbed my HK from my vest, turning off safe mode. "You ready?" I asked. "This is murder!" Rick exclaimed. "There's no other way out of this." I replied. "You're right." Rick said. He then grabbed his 1911, turning off safe mode and opening fire. I then aimed my gun at their vehicles, shooting the tires. I then shot the furries in the head a few times, taking them out one by one. Just then, I heard a whizz right next to my ear. I took cover back behind the house out of instinct. I then watched as a heavily limo approached us. "Oh shit. That's the president." Rick said. "WHAT?!" I exclaimed. "We might as well surrender now." Rick said. "Oh you have got to be fucking joking." I said. While directing my attention towards the limo.

I would not put my gun down. I was going to kill this guy. I then watched as the lion president just walked out of the limo, getting their tie in the right spot. Just then, they approached me. My breath was steady. I didn't care if these furries were a foot taller than me, I would still stand my ground. I then watched as multiple bodyguards stood next to the president. All of the sheriff deputies were dead. "Well well well. I gave you ONE chance." The president said. "I'm fucking done with you..." I said while dropping my HK on the ground. Rick then walked up to one of the bodyguards, letting them cuff him. "Well then, I guess I'll see you around..." Rick said. I was now sweating as the president was standing a few inches away from my face. "I see you don't have your gas mask anymore. You're pathetic." The president said. "I will never..." Before I could finish, the president interrupted me. "Awwww, you can't even finish a sentence. Put him in cuffs and strip him of his gear." The president said. A bodyguard then put cuffs on me as I put my hands behind my back.

"Take him away." The president said. One of the bodyguards then took Rick away into a Tahoe while I was taken away into another Tahoe. I sat in the back, only with a silent bodyguard driving the vehicle and my thoughts. Just then, the bodyguard said something. "I don't know why the president makes us do this..." "Do what?" I asked. "Lock up the last humans on earth." They replied. "I don't either. It doesn't make sense." I said. "I know I may be breaking the law, but I'll give you the keys and a glock." The bodyguard said. "Why are you helping me?" I asked. "I don't get what's so wrong about humans. They're only fighting for their life in a world full of furry creatures like me." The bodyguard said. "I know. And I just wish I could go back to the days where it was all humans. I could change history. Make it so furries don't always hate humans." I said. "I wish so too..." The bodyguard said. She then grabbed me out of the car, pretending to be mean. We had arrived at a special prison. They took me in, giving me my prison uniform and taking all my gear off. I then changed my clothes as the bodyguard put me in a cell, sneaking me the keys and a glock 19. "Here." She said. "Thanks." I replied. I then waited a few minutes until Rick came in the same cell as me. "Well this is odd." Rick said. "Listen, one of the bodyguards gave me everything I need to escape." I said trying to keep my voice down. "Oh shit, really?" Rick replied. "Yeah." I said.

We then waited for the president to leave. There were about three guards in here, and only me and Rick were in a cell. "You know that one video game called GTA 5?" I asked. "Mhmm." Rick replied. "I feel like we have a five star wanted level right now." I said. "I see." Rick said. "Wait- we don't even know how long we were sentenced." I said. "Right." Rick said. I then layed down on the hard bed. It felt like I was sleeping on bricks. "The cold concrete floor might be better than this piece of shit." I said. "Yeah, those beds don't even feel like beds. Just slap a bunch of bricks into a mattress and boom, prison bed." Rick said. I then waited for the perfect time to open our cell door. Luckily, it didn't make a squeaking noise. I then grabbed the glock 19 on the ground next to my bed. We were on the second floor of the prison, so I hid behind the concrete rail next to the stairs. Rick then got out too.

I hid behind the concrete barrier as the guards blocked our only exit. I then pulled the glock 19, turning safe mode off. I then looked at the rounds in the chamber. "I only have a few chances to get out of here." I whispered. I then peeked around the corner to see the guards talking. One of the guards seemed to be a cougar, while the other one looked like a wolf. "You know, it's pretty chill being a guard with only two inmates." The cougar said. "Right..." The wolf replied. I then aimed carefully, shooting the cougar in the head. "DAMN IT!" The wolf yelled as he unholstered his 1911, ready to shoot. I then shot the wolf in the chest. "GAH!" They exclaimed. I then shot their head. I then ran down the stairs, picking up their 1911 and gun mags. Rick grabbed the cougar's keys and unlocked the door, heading towards the changing room with me.

I then walked into mine, changing my clothes to my regular military gear I have always wore. I then picked up my vest, utility belt, guns, all the stuff I had on me before this all happened. I'm surprised they just left it in here. Almost like they want me to escape. I then walked out of the changing room with Rick. "That was too easy." Rick said. "Don't be celebrating too soon." I said. I then grabbed my HK416, while Rick used the guard's keys to get out of this disgusting place. We then walked out to see a few black Tahoes, and one familiar furry face. That crazy scientist. "What the- HOW THE HELL ARE YOU ALIVE?!" I exclaimed. The crazy furry had burn marks, and mechanical eyes. "Well, they made a recovery really fast." Rick said. "Oh yes, and I am just a distraction for the president to get here." The crazy furry said. "Allow me to introduce myself. I am Dr. T." The crazy furry said. "I don't want to know your whole fucking life story." I said while clenching my fists and grounding myself. "Well then, guards, do your thing." Dr. T said.

Multiple furry guards then ran towards me and Rick, tackling me onto the ground. My HK got flung away from me from the impact. I then tried pulling out my machete, but to no avail. I then looked at my hands to notice...they were scaly? That's weird. They were a mix of red and black. "What the actual fuck..." I thought to myself. Me and Rick were tackled to the ground, there was nothing we could do. But I could try. I kicked one of the bodyguards in the jaw, then quickly got up, grabbed them by the neck, and slammed them into a Tahoe. "Oh you're all fucked." I said while chuckling. I then grabbed one bodyguard by the tail off of Rick, throwing them at Dr. T. "My man!" Rick exclaimed. Rick then got up, grabbing his machete and running towards the bodyguards. I then jumped onto one's head, tackling them to the ground and bashing their skull onto the pavement. I then grabbed their shoulder, throwing them towards another Tahoe.

"No, you can't do this! I AM SUPPOSED TO WIN!" Dr. T yelled. All of the bodyguards were either dead or knocked out cold. I then looked back at my scaly hands to notice them turn back into regular hands. "Well that was fucking weird..." I whispered to myself. I then watched as Dr. T backed up in horror. "You're not getting away this time." Rick said. I then walked up to Dr. T, choking him and lifting him up by the neck. He gasped for air as I watched with a smirk on my face. "I think that's enough..." Rick said. "No. I am going to let him suffer." I replied. A few moments go by, and Dr. T went limp. He died. I then dropped him onto the ground. "What was that back there? You were as strong as a bull man." Rick said. "I don't know. My hand just grew scales and it was black with red lines. I really don't fucking know." I replied. "Hold on just a minute. So you're saying the last human on earth who is you, isn't really a human?" Rick asked. "Mhmm." I said. "Well that just makes me feel like we're in a movie right now or something." Rick said. "Come on, we need to get out of here before the president arrives." I said. "Right." Rick replied.

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