Chapter 11: Bank Robbery

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We drove off towards the main street, when I saw multiple news reporters around a crashed school bus tilted to its side. "I just hope whoever was in that thing is alright..." I said. I watched as multiple police officers directed traffic. It was in the middle of an intersection. We then drove past several buildings, when one stood out the most. A bank. I heard lots of commotion and screaming inside, so my instincts kicked in. "Come on, we've got people to save." I said. Rick then parked the car as I got out. No sheriff deputies had arrived yet, so it was up to us. I pulled out my HK416 off of my back, turning safe mode off and positioning myself on the corner. "HANDS UP!" I yelled. The suspects had done nothing yet. "YOU HAVE 10 SECONDS TO COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" I yelled. Masks were covering the suspects, so I could not see what they looked like besides their tail hanging out the back. Each one had a duffle bag and black clothing with ski masks and a bandana.

"WE'RE NEVER COMING OUT OF HERE! YOU AREN'T EVEN A SHERIFF!" One of the suspects yelled. As far as I could tell, there were four of them. I then watched as black scales started to form on my right arm. "Perfect timing." I said to myself. I closed my eyes, and when I had opened them, I was not a human anymore.

 I closed my eyes, and when I had opened them, I was not a human anymore

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"You look badass not going to lie." Rick said. I ran into the building, grabbing one of the suspects by the neck and slamming them into the ground. I then ran towards another suspect, grabbing them by the leg and swinging them around, then slamming their body into the ground. "FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN CRIMINAL SCUM!" I yelled as I grabbed a suspect by the ears. I then slammed them into the ground, then shoving their muzzle into a money bag, and throwing them onto another suspect. Three of them were knocked. One suspect grabbed an AA-12, shooting a few rounds at me as I walked closer. The bullets seemed to almost bounce off of my scales, which is pretty cool. I then grabbed their AA-12, snapping it in half, and breaking their arm. "AAAGGHHHHHH" The suspect yelled. Their arm was now twisted in ways it wasn't meant to be. I then heard multiple sirens quickly approaching the building. "You're all welcome." I said. Most of the anthros in the building just stood in pure shock. I had more strength than any anthro here. I then walked out of the building towards Rick. "I bet I could've done that by myself easily." Rick said. "Really? You'd probably get shot instantly." I said. "Uhhhhhhh..." Rick said. I chuckled a little bit. I then saw myself getting shorter. I was turning back into a human. Being able to turn into a velociraptor or dragon or whatever is pretty cool.

I then looked at my arms, and they weren't scaly anymore. I then looked down at my private area to notice I still had my gear and clothes on. My clothes and gear might have been sent to the shadow realm or something when I turned into an anthro. "You're pretty lucky you still have your clothes on." Rick said. "Mhmm." I replied. I then watched multiple sheriff vehicles approach the bank. I then picked up my HK416 off of the ground, putting it onto my vest. "What- how did-" One of the deputies said. Multiple deputies swarmed the building, checking on the suspects and the victims inside. All of the citizens inside then swarmed out of the building. "They have a pulse." A deputy said. "Wait, how could they have a pulse if the people who saved the citizens have guns on them, and there's a human? It just doesn't add up." Another deputy said. "Are we going to get pulled in for interrogation or something?" I asked. "Probably just you." Rick replied. A deputy then approached me. "I want to know how you and Rick did all this." A deputy asked. "It would be too hard to explain." I said. "Alright then..." The deputy replied, walking back into the building. "Ow!" I heard a suspect yell inside the building. I looked back at them to notice it was the one who's arm was broken. "You'll all pay!" The suspect exclaimed. "Yeah yeah, say it to the judge." A deputy said while dragging them to a sheriff car.

We then walked back into our car, driving off. "It always has to be me to save the day..." I said. "So, where are we going?" Rick asked. "I don't know man. I should get some food though." I said. "Alright." Rick said. He then parked the car near a gas station, unlocking the doors. I then walked inside, grabbing a few energy bars and a raw steak, just in case I needed it. I held my energy bars in my hand, then grabbed a bag and put the raw steak in it. I then walked over to the counter, paying for my items. Why did I even pay if I'm A criminal? You must be asking. Well, I don't know. I then put my energy bars in my backpack, along with the bag of raw steak. I then walked out of the gas station, into our car with Rick. "So, where we going now?" Rick asked. "Maybe we should check up on the commander's lab or whatever." I said. "Alright, but I doubt the elevator will work." Rick said.

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