Chapter 6: Fuck This Shit I'm Out

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It had only been a few hours after I was put in my cell, and I had been bored for a long fucking time. "Ugh..." I groaned as I counted the fifth hour I've been in. Sleeping on that 'bed' was impossible. I then heard talking outside of my cell. It went something along the lines of "Oh my, Mr president. Come right on in."     "I could use them for our advantage in the sheriff department. Get their stuff."     "Not to be rude sir, but humans are dangerous." I then saw a lion furry in a suit approach my cell. I looked up with a glimmer of hope in my eyes. "Come with me." The lion said. My cell door then opened with a screech. I had been sitting up against a wall for quite some time, so I could barely get up. I then walked with the lion as they threw me into the changing room. All of my gear was in here. My backpack, my guns, my vest, my gas mask, my uniform, everything. "Go ahead." The lion said. I then hid in the corner of the changing room so they couldn't peek in, changing my clothes. Right now would be a good chance to kill this furry president, but that would just end up with me getting killed. It was a stupid idea, so I didn't do it.

I picked up my vest and guns, holstering them and strapping my HK yo my vest, along with my SPAS strapped to my backpack. I then walked out of the room with a smirk on my face. "Why did you release me?" I asked. "Well, we could use you for our sheriff department, or swat team, you're trained in the military, right?" The lion asked. I nodded. "Then you're a great asset!" The lion exclaimed while patting my back. "Now come along, you'll be given your own vehicle shortly." The lion said. I then walked with the lion, to see a dodge charger parked outside the jail. "It's all yours." The lion said.

" The lion said

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I can't believe I went from being in prison to becoming a sheriff. Yeah it was odd, but I questioned nothing about it. The lion then gave me the keys. Little did I know, there was a tracker on me, and the car in case I did something out of the ordinary. To be fair, if this planet was still humans and only one furry, I bet the government would put a tracker on them too. I then started up the car, revving my engine. "This thing is sweet." I said. I then heard a beeping coming from the radio in my car. There was an automated voice on the end saying something along the lines of  "Hostage situation & shots fired reported at a school, ⬛⬛ street." I then turned my lights and sirens on. Luckily I knew where that school was. It was a Saturday, so school was out. I've done things like this so many times before in the military.

A few minutes later, I arrived at the scene with lots of other sheriff vehicles parked out front and back. I was in the front. "What the hell..." A sheriff said aiming his gun at the front of the building. "A human?!" One sheriff exclaimed. "Yeah, now shut up and let's deal with this." I said. One of the sheriff deputies next to me was quivering in fear. They were new to the job. "Don't be scared. I've done this multiple times before, and I can do it alone easily." I said while patting them on the back. The sheriff then nodded, still shaking in fear with their gun drawn to the front. I sneakily approached the front of the building, hiding out of view of the kidnapper. "ALL I WANT IS FOR YOU TO LET ME GO, AND I WON'T KILL HER!" I heard the kidnapper say. I then grabbed my HK off of my vest, ready to open fire. I snuck around the corner, shooting the kidnapper int he head before they noticed me. I watched as the blood rushed out of their head as their lifeless body laid on the floor. "One shot is all it takes." I said quietly. The woman then ran over to the deputies crying. Apparently there were more kidnappers.

I ran inside the building, straight towards the danger. The other deputies probably thought I was either a hero, or stupid for going towards the danger by myself. I saw another room where another kidnapper was holding someone hostage. Luckily they were facing a window in the classroom. The door types were those wooden ones with a glass square near the top, so this would be easy. I aimed carefully, then shooting a few rounds at the kidnapper's head. A little girl furry then ran up to me, hugging me and crying. I didn't expect that. "T-thank y-you..." The girl said while crying. I then pat them on the back. Was this all of the shooters? Apparently not, because when I let the little girl go, there was another furry pointing an AK47 at me. I turned around slowly.

"Well, well, well." The furry said. "What?" I asked, surrendering. "A human? I thought they were all extinct. Guess not." The furry said. "I surrender." I said, facing away. The furry then walked up a little bit closer to me. They were now ten feet away. I then quickly turned around, pulling my glock out, shooting into the barrel of their gun carefully. "FUCK!" The furry yelled. I then shot the furry in their neck with my glock, causing them to drop their AK47, to the ground as blood rushed out of their neck. I then heard awful noises coming from their mouth as if they were choking on a bullet, or even their own blood. I then watched as the furry laid lifeless on the ground as a blood puddle formed around their neck. I then walked outside of the school. "Three down. Was that all of them?" I asked a deputy. "I think so." A deputy replied. "I did all the fucking work, and you all just stood outside with your guns pointed inside." I said. They all went quiet.

I then got inside my charger as I realized I had been bleeding this whole time. Not sure from what though. I then wrapped a bandage around my arm from a medkit in my backpack. "God damn it Anthony, where the hell are you..." I said quietly. I then turned my emergency lights off, putting the car into drive, and going off. I don't know where I was going, just driving around.

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