before we start :D

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So uhm I did create a fanfic called mystery boy but due to some issue I had to take it down is my fault tho😭
But for this fanfic I will take it more serious due to the sickness that the reader has in the story and some other stuff
But yes I will surely joke some time maybe at the end of page? But back to the point
Last Moments is inspired by an book named I want To Eat Your Pancreas is a good book! If your into love and lost I totally recommend it!
But back to the point the story does involve a love and lost story for muichiro in I Want To Eat Your Pancreas the main girl character did had a lot of friends but they didn't show much of them but I decided to change for this fanfic so things will go smoothly :D (sorry if that confused u) also if I use pov for other characters it will be like Y/n pov: muichiro pov: sorry if u don't get it again :') I'm gonna be quite busy for school around September? This book surely will take a lot of time to finish due to the fact I have re read I Want To Eat Your Pancreas again it took me 2 months to finish the book😭 in my summer holidays I will try my best to keep up and post. And yes if u have ideas or some stuff u want to tell me go ahead u are always welcome C: take care.

Last Moments M.TokitoWhere stories live. Discover now