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"FUCKING HELL?! WHO DID THIS!!" I heard a voice shouting from the bathroom..

Oh..right we drew on muichiro's face...

He's definitely mad..

I got up and walked to the bathroom.

"Muichiro..uhm can you wash off the..ink.." I tired not to laugh.

Everyone was still asleep or just got woken up by muichiro..

"Y/n..did you do this.." muichiro said while washing and rubbing his face with a face wash..

"Uh..uhmm..." damn..what do I say! He's definitely gonna kill me now..

"We all..uhh..we all did this!!" I gave muichiro a nervous smile.

"What's happenin- PFTTT BAHAHAHAHA MUICHIRO YOU LOOK SO GOOFY!" Yuichiro suddenly walked in and bursted out laughing..

"Fuck you guys!!" Muichiro continued washing his face.


"You feeling better now?" Genya asked muichiro.

We made some simmered radish dressed with sweet miso to cheer up muichiro since that was his favorite..

Muichiro took another bite of the radish and spoke. "Yeah..I guess" he said and continued eating it.

"Why do you like simmered radish with sweet miso so much? Is such a simple dish.." inosuke said.

"Because is simple? Is good anyways.." muichiro said and continued chewing on the radish.

"Can I have a piece?" I asked muichiro.

Muichiro stayed quiet used the pair of chopstick and picked a piece of radish and placed it front of my mouth.

"Eat.." muichiro muttered.

I gave him a smile and took the bite.

"What..and your telling me they aren't dating..?" Zenitsu muttered..

I choked.

"W-what? No..!! No?! We aren't dating.. "I coughed..

"Y/n you alright? You should drink some water.." tanjiro grabbed a cup and filled some water in it and handed it to me.

I nodded and took the cup of water.

I gulped it down..(this sound goofy ngl😞)

"Thanks tanjiro.." I gave him a faint smile.

"Y/n you like the simmered radish?" Nezuko asked.

"Mhm! Is pretty good the sweet miso paired nicely with the radish" I said happily.

Well is true..the radish is pretty good.

"See! Even y/n likes the radish!" Muichiro said.

"Whatever..." insouke said.


After a few days of the sleepover. It was August 27th.

It was close to summer holiday ending..damn it!

I had a picnic with muichiro today. We're at a park that was nearby a beach.

"So y/n you like it here?" Muichiro said while smiling.

"Mhm! I do! Is pretty nice to have a picnic here."  I said returning a smile.

"I'm glad y/n." Muichiro said as he looked up the clouds.

"Hm..this one reminds me of you" he pointed at a cloud that was shaped like a heart.

"Oh? Well this one reminds me of you!"

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