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I woke up feeling a pair of warm hands wrapping around my waist again. Wait.. what are we even doing?..nevermind..

"Mui..muichiro" i tired moving around to wake him up.

"Just a bit longer y/n.." his voice was husky..damn is getting hot..
About five minutes..? I got up and he got up as well I went to change into some clothes and decided to wait for muichiro.

I sat on the bed fidgeting with my fingers.

Since today we didn't have any plans with the group so we decided we can do whatever we want by ourselves today.

Sometime later..muichiro came out and asked

"Y/n wanna go to a bridge to take some pictures nearby?" He tilted his head.

The way he tilted his head was so cute!!! Wait..never mind I should stop..

"Yeah sure! We should go!" I replied to his question and took my bag and ready to head out.

He nodded and took his stuff and went out with me.


Around 10 minutes later we arrived at the bridge..
Woah..it really got a nice view..

"Is beautiful yeah?" He turned his head and looked at me.

I nodded and took out my phone ready to take some pictures.

"Nuh uh..I'm gonna take some picture of you first young lady" he chuckled and took out his phone.

Is not even that hot today...why do I feel my body temperature rising up..

I rolled my eyes playfully and posed.

Muichiro snapped a few photos and gave me a look.

"Woahh! Muichiro I never knew your that good taking pictures!!" I smiled sheepishly and looked at him.

He blushed..wait what?

"Errr thanks y/n let's walk around yeah?"

I hummed in response and dragged his sleeves and dragged him to walk with me.

Some people passed by us and I heard them saying some stuff..?

"Awww a cute couple!"

"What a cute couple.."

"Young love.."

The hell..? Whatever..


We arrived at some quiet spot and I looked at the view. However..I felt muichiro staring at me..  maybe I'm just too pretty heh.

"Y/n your really enjoying this huh?" Muichiro asked.

"Yep! Is so beautiful!!" I smiled again and looked back at the view..is so peaceful..

Muichiro smiled at me. Seems like he's also a enjoying this a lot?

Muichiro POV:

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