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Muichiro POV: been an year since y/n death.

I manage to fulfill y/n wish. I got along with Aoi. She managed to forgive me.

..Today was a Saturday the group and I decided to visit y/n.

"Oi! Y/n!! Wake up!" Insouke splashed some water on y/n grave. Well..we decided to clean her grave..

"Insouke!!" Aoi shouted and bonked his head..who's the love birds now Aoi? Heh.

"I'm sure y/n is fine with just a little splash of water" tanjiro said while chuckling and we contained cleaning y/n grave

"Mhm!" Nezuko hummed.

"Y/nnnnn you awake??" Yuichiro talked to the grave.

Suddenly. A Sakura fell down on my hands. is here..

"Y/n is here!! Hey y/n!" Zenitsu said happily.

We all felt warm..seems like y/n spirit is here..

We do seem silly talking to a grave..but I will just let that be I'm sure y/n is watching us.

"Is not fair you left us here y/n!" Nezuko pouted and looked at the grave.

We put y/n favorite snacks and some flowers on her grave also..some plushie I bought her before.

"Right! Is gonna be a long time we will meet again!"

Insouke said. Quite touchy of him..

I looked at the group.

I saw something behind them.

It was..a figure smiling? probably y/n spirit.

"Oh wait!!! Is already 5:37PM!! We promised y/n mother to go arrive there at 6PM!! We gotta eat with her!! Come on let's go!" Tanjiro said and started getting up and ran.

"Hey! Wait up!" The group said.

"W-wait! Hold on!" I said.

"Well! Y/n we will visit you again!' Byeee!" I quickly said my goodbyes to y/n and left.


"Why are you guys late?" Y/n mother asked and chuckled at us.

"We forgot..sorry!" I smiled nervously.

"Ahhh whatever! Come on! Go to the living room and let's eat okay?" Y/n mother smiled happily and went to the living room.

"I'm so surprised that y/n mother is treating us like we're her own kids!" Tanjiro said as he began walking to the living room.

"Well she loves us!" Zenitsu said happily.

Well I'm sure y/n mother treated us like this because we were y/n good friends and she and y/n father didn't have anyone else to treat them like their own child anymore..

"Welp! We better eat happily tonight with our stomach full or else y/n mother wouldn't be happy.." Genya said.

"Yep!" We all said.

Sometime later we sat down and began eating and talking happily.

I'm glad y/n mother and father is happy that we're always there for them since their child wasn't in the world anymore..only her good friends..

"Soo? Have you guys chosen a college yet? Or a job?" Y/n father questioned and continued chewing on his food.

We all had our answers already so we just told him.

Seems like he wasn't happy with tanjiro answer..

"Tanjiro! You should go to college yah? Your smart and a good boy!" He said while eating the rice.

" your saying that I might hah!" Tanjiro said.

As we ate and talked together and laughed together I still felt y/n looking at us happily.

I'm glad I fulfilled your wish y/n.


Time passed by quickly. We graduated high school then college..well some of us.

Tanjiro is now in a relationship with kanao and looking after the bakery while kanao is going to be a teacher soon. well Genya is also gonna be teacher following his brother steps. I'm glad.

For Zenitsu..he just helped at the bakery and still having a huge crush on nezuko..I think nezuko is starting to like him back? Oh by the way nezuko is opening a cafe next to the bakery soon after she finishes college.

For inosuke and Aoi..inosuke has been helping at Aoi family restaurant for a while and aoi is becoming a doctor? That's what I heard and I also think they are both starting to have a fat crush on each other heh.

Well..for me and yuichiro..we both graduated college and we just decided to open a guitar shop but I decided to sign some up some event and published y/n diary as a book. I fixed a few things so I could publish the diary as a book. Is just the grammar and stuff and I named the book

"Living With Dying"

It got quite famous and I got on a few TV programs. Well y/n did say she wanted to become an author so I'm just fulfilling that wish for her.

For yuichiro..hmm..well there's this girl that has been coming to our guitar shop quite often and I see yuichiro blushing around the girl a lot..maybe I should plan to set him up with her..?

For Genya..not sure? Maybe he has a love interest in one of the teachers in the school he's teaching in.

For me..nope nothing..not even any love interest.

If y/n was still alive I maybe would have been in a relationship with her hah.

Well..if your wondering how old are we now? We're around 23-25.

Well there's one more thing..

So today I visited y/n grave and as I talked with y/n I felt a pair of warm hands around my waist.

I looked around but there was no one there...

I guess it was y/n spirit who hugged me? I'm glad about it though. Not complaining!

Ah...I'm glad that y/n is happy. I'm sure she is.

I wish you never had pancreatic cancer y/n so we could have spend much more time together..but.

I'm glad I could spend time with you in your Last Moments.

- Muichiro Tokito.


The End Of Last Moments

Unfortunately the book has came to it end😕
I hope you all enjoyed this book 😭😭 if you got confused at the end is like this is in muichiro POV writing something in the final part where I started with "time passed by"
But anyways I'm starting a new book soon called "Online Bestfriends" muahahahahah 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️ book will come out soon dw🤑🤑🤑 but that's all! I want to thank you all for all the supports for this book and please take care!💗

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