21. Happy ending.

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A/n: writing style changed guys!!

After you been stabbed by the attacker,you were found by some person that pass by thankfully.

. . .

Another's fingers locked between yours,holding tight.

You somehow survived that attack.

You couldn't feel anything,barely. Numb and pain was all you could feel.

You slowly and tiredly opened your eyes,seeing a familiar blurry figure.

"Y/n?" A familiar voice spoke.

"M-muichiro?" You spoke in a stutter,all the pain you were in could barely make you even speak.

"W-wait shit..your..awake?! W-wait!" The familiar figure left you alone in the room that seemed like the hospital bed.

. . .

Another hour passed by and some small operations checkup and talking,you found out you were in an operation for straight up 5 hours and..your pancreatic cancer was not recovered.. (a/n :stay with me please..)

Your parents and Muichiro was the only people who stayed all the way here. Waiting for you to be awake.

Great..you were informed that you would be staying in the hospital for a few months.

• • •

"Y/nnn I'm hereee" a familiar presence came in your hospital room as you were looking at view from your rooms window.

Is been a few months ever since the incident,yes you would have some treatments and therapy sessions. You needed to recover from that horrible incident.

A linger of fear that it will happen to you again. But you're safe now. You're a 100% safe.

Your friends and family always came visits you,buying you gifts and your favorite things,especially Muichiro and Aoi.

You were recovering,you finally felt better. A few days left till you could leave the hospital.

Snapping back to reality,you looked at the figure that was walking to you.

"How are you feeling hmm?" Muichiro sat on your hospital bed as he questioned.

"Better..still really tired though.." you spoke,a yawn left out from you.

The teal tips boy chuckled at you.

"I have somewhere special to bring you after you can be out of the hospital,looking forward for it?" He asked calmly .

You looked back at him giving him a smile.

"I sure am."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This. Was. The. Best. Day. Ever.

Your doctor smiled at you as he looked at you ,while you were sitting down on your bed.

"I have very good news Y/n,for your friends and parents too" your doctor smiled kindly.

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