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Note from author: I feel generous today so I will let you guys have two chaps for a day💗😋

"Wait! Y/n Dumbass you don't even know the location where are you going..?!" Muichiro sighed and took my hands instead and dragged me.

I was blushing..wait why am I even doing this..?

Whatever..I should just have fun now..


Sometime later we arrive say the cafe and we sat down..OMG?!?

SO MANY CUTE CATS RAHHHHHHHHHH IM GONNA DIEEEEE (small apology from author:sorry if you don't like cats..💀)

As I sat down a white cat with beautiful blue eyes sat down on me my lap and got real comfy..

Muichiro glared at the cat and crossed his arms.

I heard he muttered something but I can't really tell what he said..I couldn't hear it properly..

Muichiro POV:

"Wish I was that stupid cat.."... I muttered to myself..

Wait..why am I even getting jealous because of a cat?!?

Suddenly..I saw the cat up and moved to y/n..chest and started KNEADING IT?!? THIS PUSSY CAT...

I glared at the cat for some time in anger while y/n was laughing..taking pictures..

At least y/n is happy..but this stupid cat!! Damn it..

Sometime later the cat jumped off y/n and went to somewhere else..damn cat..

"Aww! I wanted that cat to stay longer!" Y/n whined.

That cat was literally kneading your boobs like it was bread dough dummy y/n..wait why am I even acting like this?!?

"Oh right!!" Y/n suddenly grabbed something from her bag. favorite game figure?!? Holy shit..but this is so expensive?!? Maybe is not for me..

"This is for you muichiro!!" Y/n excitingly hand the figure to me. The figure was still in the box perfect shape..

"Y/ know you really didn't have to.." I told y/n feeling quite guilty she spent some big money on the figure for me.

"Is fine muichiro! Plus I saw those posters and the game you played on your phone sooo I thought you would like it!" Y/n smiled at me sheepishly..her smile is cute..

I took the figure. "Thanks y/n..I definitely own you something" I still have a wave of guilt for her buying the figure.

"Don't worry!! Is just a gift muichiro!" I heard y/n giggled.

Ugh..why am I feeling like this? My stomach feels like there's things in it.

Suddenly..a orange cat walked to me and sat on my lap..cute cat

"Aww! The cat likes you!" Y/n squealed and looked at the cat.

I nodded and smiled at the cat and y/n. The cat purred.

I pet the cat and it looks very relaxed..cute..your cute but y/n is cuter..wait what the fuck am I saying?!?

"Muichirooooo?!" Y/n was waving at me..

Shit looks like I got lost in thoughts..

"Ye-yeah y/n? You need anything?"

"Oh seem lost in thoughts muichiro.." y/n replied to my question. "Anyways let's order now?"

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