In Which Frank And Gerard Have A 12yo Daughter ((Frerard))

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Currently, Jasmine Iero-Way was laying on the couch, clutching a pillow to her chest and moaning in discomfort about how her stomach hurt.

"Sweetie, I don't know what to tell you. I think we have some tylenol, but that takes some time to start working." Gerard tried to comfort her but his words didn't seem to do much to help, for all she did in response was roll around some more and whine incoherently.

Frank, who was the more light-hearted of the pair, did his best to make Jasmine feel better. He made her favorite tea and carried her to bed before going to the store to find things to help with her stomachache.

While Jasmine was complaining, Gerard thought about what might be wrong with her. She could be sick... She's a twelve year old girl so he thought to call his old friend Lindsey to ask what might be wrong with his daughter. After all, Lindsey had been a twelve year old girl herself once.

Gerard found Lindsey's contact and pressed the call button and after maybe three or four rings, she finally answered.

"Hey, Gee!" she greeted gleefully.

"Hey, Lindsey. So I called to talk to you about something that may be happening with my daughter. Remember Jasmine?" Gerard seemed to have no trouble with just skipping straight to the problem.

"Okay. Hit me."

"Well, she's been complaining about her stomach hurting and that it 'feels like she's been stabbed'. I thought you might know what's wrong, because Frank and I don't have any twelve-year-old-girl experiences."

Lindsey hummed, thinking for a moment. "She might be starting her period. You should go to the store and buy some naproxen or Advil. Also get her some pads; I don't think you'd want the blood to stain all her nice clothes. For right now, just have her put some toilet paper into her pants or whatever she's wearing."

"Okay. Thanks, Linds."

"No problem. Tell Frank I said hi," Gerard could hear her smile through the phone before she hung up.

In the mean time, Gerard texted Frank to tell him what he needed to get and was quickly met with, 'Ok I love you' before texting his reply of 'I love you too'.


When Frank arrived at check out, he was met with odd and judgmental looks when he brought the pads onto the conveyor belt.

"Girlfriend?" the cashier questioned, her voice monotonous as she pulled the items along and put them into bags.

"Daughter." Frank stated nonchalantly as he pulled out his debit card.

"$24.95," the woman stated. Frank swiped his card and signed the recipt before grabbing the bags and leaving the store.

He walked to his car and unlocked it so he could put the groceries and such into the passenger seat before going back around to sit in the driver's seat. He shut the door and checked his phone one last time before plugging it into the aux cord as he put his seat belt on and stuck his keys into the ignition. He then took the car out of park and began driving home to save his daughter from her horrible cramps.


As Gerard's amazing husband heroically walked through the front door, Gerard immediately took the bags he was carrying to the kitchen after kissing him on the cheek.

As Frank greeted their daughter, Gerard searched through the bags quickly and pulled out the naproxen that Lindsey was talking about. He looked at the packaging, trying to find how much he was supposed to give to Jasmine. All it said was that children under the age of thirteen should take one and adults should take two. The last time they checked, Jasmine was 5'4 and weighed somewhere around 147 pounds so Gerard came to the conclusion that she should actually take the adult portion as she was more mature physically than your normal pre-teen girl.

Gerard got the two pills and poured a glass of water before taking the items to the living room and giving them to his daughter.

Jasmine took the things without hesitation and quickly gulped down the water. Gerard then handed her the box of pads and shooed her to the bathroom, claiming that there should be instructions somewhere on the box. Once she was done, Frank helped her to her room and requested that she try to rest. He then told his daughter that he loved her and closed the door gently. As soon as he turned around, he was face-to-face with his husband of five years and enveloped in a hug.

"Thanks for going shopping, baby," Gerard whispered into his husband's ear. "Jasmine would probably thank you, too." He then let out an awkward laugh as he held Frank closer.

"No problem, Gee," Frank smiled, still not pulling away from the embrace.

Gerard pulled away and checked the time on his phone. "It's only like, five. Do you wanna go take a nap or something?" he suggested casually.

"You know me too well," Frank joked. Well, it was true; Frank's favorite thing to do was sleep. Every once in a while it would be replaced by sex, but that was only when he was horny.

They went downstairs to their room and, while Gerard changed into pajama pants, Frank just stayed in his boxers. Gerard flicked the light off and they both crawled under the covers. They layed so they were facing eachother and Frank cuddled into Gerard's chest, breathing in his scent.

They fell asleep in eachothers arms and were awoken by their daughter banging on the door and complaining about how she was hungry.

All in all, it was a stressful, but good day.

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