Dates ((Jalex))

246 5 3

recommended song: 2 Poor Kids - Ruth B
word count: 1,196

Jack had finally plucked up the courage to ask his best friend, Alex, out on a date. He honestly expected him to say no, but when the shorter boy accepted the invitation, Jack just couldn't help but show off a giant, toothy smile.

It was currently 7:02PM and Jack was preparing himself both physically and mentally for this date. Of course he had to go with the classic 'pick you up at eight' cliché. He was regretting his decision as he struggled to decide on whether he should wear more casual clothing or fancier attire.

They were going to a local, 50's inspired diner (just without all the racism and homophobia), and although Alex wasn't told where he would be taken, he still couldn't wait for the date he knew would turn out amazingly.

Alex sat at home on the bathroom counter as he painted his nails black, knowing that was what Jack liked. He was dressed in a grey, striped hoodie and black skinny jeans, while Jack, on the other side of town, decided to put on a fucking deep blue suit completed with a pink fucking corsage and a black bowtie. Needless to say, neither of them understood where they were going or how to dress for the occasion.

It was 7:38PM and Jack was rushing to climb into his dad's car in order to drive to Alex's house. He may not have asked beforehand, but it was too late to worry about that. Do it now, remember it later, as his old friend Kellin would always say.

He drove through the dimly lit streets, a soft bio luminescence coming from the puddles covering pavement from the rain.

Alex lived in a slightly more wealthy area than Jack did, and grew up in a completely different part of town than the taller boy, so it didn't take too much work for him to understand why Alex was so much less defensive than himself.

At about 7:56 he showed up at Alex's house to find that it was much different from his own. Jack lived in a run down apartment building with deteriorating bricks and peeling wallpaper while Alex lived in a nice house with a cobblestone walkway and warm outdoor lighting.

Jack hauled himself out of the small car and into the rain, his hair quickly becoming drenched and his suit dampening as he trudged up the walkway. He rang the doorbell once he got to the door and waited patiently.

The handle began to jiggle slightly and he heard quick stomping. "No, Dad! It's for me, I'm answering the door!" It was Alex, that was easy enough to tell.

A few more seconds went by and Alex opened the door, a smile plastered to his face. "Hey, Ja-" His eyes widened and flickered down to his date's attire before looking further down to his own. "Oh... Should I change?"

"No, of course not," Jack grinned. "You look great."

Alex allowed the grin to take over his face once again as he stepped out into the rain and pulled his hood up, looking back at Jack as he walked out to the car.

Jack rushed to open the car door for his date before the shorter boy could actually open it himself, causing the boy to giggle quietly. "Thank you, Jack," he said gently.

"No problem," Jack let out as he allowed Alex to climb into the passenger seat before running around to the driver's seat, his chest rising and falling quickly when he finally sat down and closed his door.

He looked over at Alex, who stared back in return. "Hey," Jack panted out, the rise and fall of his chest still quick.

"Hey," Alex smiled back, gazing into the taller boys eyes, a feeling of opia, power and simultaneous vulnerability, soon taking over as the time went by.

"Well," Jack said, looking to the road and breaking the silence as his hands made their way to the steering wheel. "Shall we go, then?"

"Yeah," Alex answered as he looked away, not quite understanding the reasoning behind his own disappointment.

They drove for about twenty minutes before pulling into an empty parking space in front of the diner. "Well," Jack sighed. "This is the place." He gazed up at the neon lit open sign and the bright blue letters that read Sadie's in cursive. "Sadie's." He continued to stare as he slowly opened his door before climbing out and walking around to open the door on the passenger side for Alex.

"Thanks," the shorter boy mumbled as he stepped out and walked by Jack's side. His eyed widened slightly and he tried to deny the smile that threatened to take over as he felt Jack's long fingers intertwine with his own.

They walked through the entry door of the Diner, Jack leading his date to the table he had reserved a few hours prior. "Go ahead and sit down, I'll go tell Alicia that we're here," The taller of the two stated, making his way towards the kitchen part of the restaurant.

Jack soon came back with a tall, thin girl with long, curled brown hair and emerald-colored eyes who set down a glass vase with six deep-red roses inside. She smiled happily at the boy who grinned back with just as much enthusiasm as he sat comfortably in the pink-seated booth.

"So what would you two like to eat?" the girl questioned, Alex went ahead to assume that this was Alicia, but was still unsure. "I know what you want, Jack, because you always order the same exact thing so you don't have to answer," she stated, a snarky tone behind her mostly pleasant voice as she turned fully to look at Alex.

"Uhh..." Alex hesitated. "I, uhh... I think I might get the- I don't know." Alex was normally indecisive, something that drove his friends and relatives crazy and often pushed his significant others to break up with him. But when he looked over at Jack nervously, everything seemed to be going pretty well. "What do you think I should get?" he questioned, his tone of voice showing how anxious he actually was.

But Alicia just smiled and pointed to the most popular burger in the entire restaurant, giving him some time to check the ingredients and he found that it suited him well, so he accepted the offer.

"Thank you so much," Alex said, showing off a little bit more than a toothy smile as Alicia shuffled his hair and walked off with their order in hand.

"Do you like her?" Jack interrogated after seeing Alex's reaction to the girl. "I mean like, like like. Do you like like her?"

"No, I don't like like her! Just because I've dated girls before, it doesn't mean I like every girl!"

Jack laughed it off reaching across the table to intertwine his fingers with Alex's gently. "I was just asking, baby."

Alex's cheeks quickly filled with warmth, a bright red color taking over his face as he stared at their hands on the table. "I- I- Okay."

A/N: I'm ending it there because I've been writing this for two months and I no longer have strength. Please leave requests and I'll be sure to write them (I just don't know how quickly they'll be done).

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