Happy Birthday: The Origin Of Batbear ((Frerard Fluff))

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It was April 9th and the birthday boy had decided he wanted to go to Build-A-Bear with his boyfriend. So, of course, Frank couldn't turn down the offer or his overly childish boyfriend would pout until he got his way. Besides, it was just a stuffed bear, right? What could possibly go wrong?

Frank grabbed his keys off the coffee table and called for Gerard to come out to the car. The twenty-five year old ran down the stairs enthusiastically and shoved his shoes on before running outside to hop into the old Jeep Cherokee that was passed down from Frank's very own father.

"Are we going to Build-A-Bear?" Gerard questioned excitedly, buckling his seatbelt hurriedly as he practically bounced in his seat.

"You'll just have to find out, sweetheart," Frank replied, taking the car out of park and slowly backing out of the driveway.


Frank drove around the crowded mall parking lot to find a spot and Gerard was much too happy as he practically ripped off his seatbelt as soon as they entered the maze of cars.

They eventually found a parking spot, but it was one of the farthest ones out. Gerard didn't seem to mind, though, as he threw his door open and ran out to the other side of the car to pull his ever faithful boyfriend along.

Frank followed grudgingly, scuffing the bottom of his shoes on the gravelly pavement. He pulled out his phone, checking the time. 1:47PM.

The two grown men entered the childrens' toy store, a certain red haired one seeming especially ecstatic. Gerard sprinted over to the piles of factory produced animal carcasses and Frank followed hesitantly. As soon as the older boy's eyes met with the black bear with batman symbols covering the entire surface, he gasped and snatched it from the bin. He got the last one.

He ran to the voice recording machine and Frank suddenly had an idea. He took the deflated bear body from his boyfriend and requested that he turn around. Gerard did as told and Frank continued to choose a series of velociraptor screeches to put in the bear. He took the sound tab and kept it firmly held in his tattooed hands before telling the taller boy that it was time to stuff the bear.

Gerard happily skipped over to the large, cotton filled contraption and the tall, brown-haired worker took the body, attaching it to a tube sticking out of the appliance. They sat in front of the oddly shaped machine, watching as the bear slowly inflated. Once the process of filling was over, Frank gave the sound tab to the employee and he cheerfully took it, stuffing it into the foot of the bear. The man then gave Gerard a small, silky, lavender color heart and a lot of star-shaped glitter.

"Make a wish," he said. His voice sounded as though he was no older than sixteen. Gerard happily obliged and made his wish.

"What did you wish for, Gee?" Frank questioned curiously.

"I can't tell you, or else it won't come true. And I'd honestly rather it did." Gerard smiled down at his boyfriend, never to reveal that his wish was for the two of them to stay together until the end of time.

Frank giggled quietly as Gerard gave the small heart back to the employee, watching as the boy stuck the heart into the bear, seemingly enjoying his job. And he did, especially when couples like Gerard and Frank came into the shop.

The boy, who revealed that his name was Dallon, stitched up the bear and handed it back to Gerard, smiling warmly. Gerard thanked him and claimed that he hoped they'd meet again before walking over to the clothes. He decided that there was nothing there that he wanted for the small animal to wear so he and his boyfriend walked over to the register. However, Gerard did pick out like four black bows and wrapped them around the bear's wrists and ears.

The girl working at the register put the bear into its own little house-shaped box and handed it to Gerard. Frank payed for the bear, plus two dollars for all of the bows, and the two boys walked out of the store, holding eachother's hands.

AN: It's been a while since I published anything, but I suppose it's time to reveal the big secret. I've been writing this super intense Frerard fic in the background of everything else and it's like this super weird mashup of A Splitting of The Mind, Summertime, and a bunch of other things. It's crazy.

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