But You're Beautiful To Me ((Emotional Frerard))

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Gerard was sat on the bathroom floor, a brand new razor blade held in his hand. He hadn't taken his medication that day and his emotions were running wild. He stared at the blade, thinking on this tough decision. He looked past the blade and down to his legs, the stories of his old scars running through his head. He hadn't self-harmed in over four months. Was he really going to mess it all up tonight?

Frank was at work. He wouldn't be home for another few hours. Gerard figured it wouldn't hurt to make just one little cut. He wouldn't do any more than that.

Just one.

"Just one," he repeated aloud.

He pressed the blade to his skin gently, sliding it across his leg in a quick motion. He watched, bewildered as the thick, red liquid slowly oozed from the wound.

"Maybe just one more," he told himself.

The process repeated itself for another hour.

He didn't want to stop.

His vision became blurred.

He tried to stand up, but he couldn't.

He reached around on the bathroom counter for a wash rag to slow the bleeding.

His eyes widened as he heard the familiar voice of his boyfriend of two years echoing through their two-story apartment. He heard the creaking of the wooden floorboards as he came closer.

"Gee?" The man spoke. Gerard became instantly worried. He didn't want him to find out.

He got up onto his knees and felt around more for a wash cloth.

Frank knocked on the bathroom door.

"Gee, sweetheart? Are you in here?"

"Y-yeah," Gerard replied all too quickly.

"Are you alright? Can I come in?" Frank questioned. He was worried about him.

"No! I-I, I mean, I'm fine! I'll b-be out in  jus-just a minute!"

"I'm coming in, Gerard." Frank said.

The door handle slowly turned and Frank peered into the small room. He ran toward his boyfriend and quickly felt tears building up in his eyes as he saw the mess. He sat down next to him, looking at the damage Gerard had inflicted on himself. His legs were nearly covered in blood and he was crying, too. His eyes were bloodshot and his hands were shaky. Frank practically scooped him up into his arms.

"Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you cleaned up." He kissed Gerard's forehead lovingly and picked him up before setting him down on the counter, next to the sink.

Frank walked towards a certain cabinet filled with all the medical supplies anyone would ever need. He pulled out a bottle of rubbing alcohol, cotton swabs, cotton bandages, and medical tape. He took a cotton swab out of the plastic tube and poured some of the alcohol onto the small white pad.

"Okay, sweetheart. This is going to sting. Are you ready?"

Gerard sighed and let a tear roll down his cheek and onto his neck and another from the same eye but onto his nose. He nodded, wiping the tears away.

Frank pressed the cotton to his boyfriend's leg gently and Gerard hissed in pain.

"I really wish you wouldn't do this to yourself," Frank sighed.

After he had disinfected all the cuts, he wrapped the bandages around Gerard's leg, making sure it was tight enough but also not too tight. He secured the bandages with the tape before pulling Gerard into a hug.

"The next time you feel like cutting, please just call me. I'll ask Angela if I can leave work so I can come take care of you." Frank told him. He didn't want his beautiful princess to cut himself ever again.

He didn't ever want to imagine what it would be like to not wake up next to his gorgeous boyfriend, one of his masterpieces sat across the bedroom on an easel, a tarp set beneath it. He would always stare in awe at the work Gerard did, finished or not. The walls of their apartment were covered in all the paintings, drawings, sketches, etc. that the amazing hazel-eyed boy had created. He believed that he would go insane without Gerard's stretch marks to run his fingers over, or his beautiful hair that looked absolutely stunning no matter what color it was, or the soft pudge on his chest and stomach that made for the most wonderful cuddles, or even his bony fingers that seemed to move so rhythmically when holding a pen or pencil.

"Okay, Frankie," Gerard agreed.

"Do you promise me?"

"I promise."

Alright so I wrote this in the car and came out with this crazy thing in about fifteen minutes. Vote if you enjoyed and follow me if you would like to be notified of anything new that I publish or update.

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