Chapter 1: Drawn to Darkness

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We went back to the wall and climbed up the bricks without a Piper attacking us. We saw another note to our left. Audrey grabbed it. "'Around here, its just best to stay out of sight. Don't ever go running into some place if you don't know whats in there! If you attack a problem head on, you're gonna find yourself in trouble. And thats just foolish! You gotta watch, listen, and when the time is right, push forward.'" She read. "Written by 'Your Best Pal' again. Who is 'Your Best Pal'?" Audrey asked.
"I think who these notes were directed towards could indicate who he is. Assuming these were directed towards Nathan Arch, then...maybe Joey Drew?" I guessed. To our right was a hallway. And down it, we saw a mirror. We saw our reflections. My shirt and pants was turned black and my face was turned to that yellow color. "Oh god, i... i don't know if i... okay i actually think i look really cool." I said.
"I don't like this." Audrey said as she examined her hand. I looked at her. "I think you still look really pretty to me." I told her.
"Thanks." She said, giving a smile. We turned the corner and crouched under a shelf that was propped up on some barrels. There was a desk with ink writing on the wall saying, "WHERE IS THE TOYMAN?", and there was also a tape on the desk. I pressed play. "Yeah, so those Gent Corporation boys are kinda strange. Every time I come back to work, they've put in even more of their pointless gadgets. Last week, they built some kind of electrical towers over near Animation Alley. This week, they added security codes for opening doors. Geez, what kind of work do they think we do here anyway? Last I checked we make toys and silly cartoons. This ain't Fort Knox! You know what I mean? Now it's my job to look over these shipping invoices AND remember a bunch of random numbers? No freaking thank you! I'm just going to record the door code here so I don't forget it: The code is 451. And if Mister Drew or Mister Grey asks, you didn't hear it from me." The guy in the tape said.
"451. Noted." I said.
"Maybe it has to do with that?" Audrey said. She pointed at a door and a code on the opposite wall. "There's a combination lock for the door. I agree with that guy in the tape, this isn't Fort Knox."
"Well, give it a shot." I said. Audrey put in the code and pressed the open button. The door opened. We went through. On a desk with two drawers, it said "HE SEES EVERYTHING." We saw the bricks on the wall were sticking out. Why do all the walls got bricks sticking out of them? If this many walls have bricks sticking out of them, I'm hoping they are just too long. We went to the wall and climbed up. As soon as we got up, we heard a door close. We saw what it was. "Now where to?" I asked.
"I'll go down there and see if theres anything." Audrey said, pointing at a ladder. She went to it and climbed down. After a few seconds, the door opened. "Did that do anything?" She asked.
"Yeah, the door's open. Come back up." I said back. She came back to me and we went through. First things we saw was a bunch of lockers and a door being blocked by a cart. Audrey started looking in the lockers and i pushed the car away. "I found a ring of keys." Audrey told me.
"Great. This door's got a chain and a padlock." I said. She unlocked it and pulled the chain off. We went through to a door that said "CAUTION, KEEP CLOSED". But we didn't listen. Audrey moved the door. We went through a dark hallway to a door that said Animation Alley. A spider ink monster jumped at the door. I kicked the door open and watched it fly at a wall. If ran off. "Hmph." I mumbled. We went into the room and saw another locked door that had "Animation Alley This Way" over it. "Another one?" I asked. Audrey went to use the key on the lock, but the key broke. "Well, great." She said.
"Okay. So lets try to break the lock. If that Piper back there didn't whack that bar out of my hand, we could use that." I said. We went back and saw a fence with a dead ink person behind it. He had a bag over his head and a pipe in his chest. "Looks like he's having a bad day." Audrey said.
"No kidding." I said. We kept going and saw a desk with multiple tokens and a note. I grabbed it and all i saw was "We started calling the fake ones, 'SLUGS'" and "Probably costing the studio a TON of money in snacks alone."
"So by the sounds of it, these tokens- or SLUGS as they're called- can be used in vending machines." I said.
"Hopefully other food that isn't bacon soup can help patch us up." Audrey said. I grabbed the SLUGS and we left the room. We heard something from a pipe. "I know you're out there. Please answer me." We heard. It was Alice. We went to it. "Hello?" Audrey said into it.
"Audrey? Oh, I'm so glad you guys are alright." Alice said.
"Uh huh, alright. Alice, we have a very different definition to 'alright' then you do." I told her.
"Where are you?"
"Animation department entrance?" Audrey told her. "Its locked up tight."
"Good. That means you're heading up. Look for anything you can use to break in." We heard a loud creaking behind us. "What was that?" Alice asked.
"Something's in here." I said.
"Audrey! Y/n! Find that Gent Pipe! Now!" Alice told us.

We went back to the gate. "Yup. Definitely a Gent Pipe in that guy's torso." Audrey said. I looked at the door. "Its really dark in there." I said. "Lets try to restore the power."

We looked around and saw a sign that said "power station". If i was a generator, i'd hopefully be built there. "Who's in there?!" We heard from someone.
"Hide!" I whispered. We hid behind a stand. "Open up!" He yelled. He finally busted through the door. We ducked down. "If i find you, I'm gonna rip your face off!" He yelled. We had to sneak past him. We did so and Audrey went to the fuse box while I kept watch. "Missing a fuse. Hopefully we can find one." She said. We snuck past the guy and to the kitchen. "Hey! Kitchen's closed!" He said. We crouched down and hid behind the bar. He, too, walked past us and we ran in the kitchen. We saw a cake with a fuse in it. "Happy Birthday to you, Audrey." I said. I held the cake to her.
"Well, Happy Birthday to me." She grabbed the fuse from the cake.

Bendy and the Dark Revival w/ Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now