Chapter 2: The Demon's Domain

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We started looking around the room we got ourselves in. "My ink swells. It consumes. I am the Ink Demon." We heard.
"Well, that confirms it." I said. Audrey broke a vent. "This realm is mine. You were born from it. You belong to it." He said. We crawled through the vent and got to high ground. Then i saw a picture with a demons drawing on it. I grabbed it. We heard something's footsteps. "I think you pissed him off." Audrey said.
"We have to hide!" I said. She broke a door lock and a vent. We crawled in the vent. The footsteps stopped. "Wait, i get it. These drawings, they probably belong to that guy." I said. We went in the room at the other side of the vent and I saw another drawing. I grabbed it. We went to a vent to hide from the Ink Demon. We crawled through and got to another room with another picture. From that room was a locked door. Audrey broke the lock and we went through. We saw the door of that ink man. We set his pictures up and the guy ran out at us. "Hey, we just helped you, jerk!" I said. I whacked his face and he fell to the ground. We heard the Ink Demon's footsteps. We went in the vent. "What is this guy, the police? We helped the guy and he attacked us." I asked. The Ink Demon left. We went in his room and through a garage door. From there was two rooms. The screening room, and the storyboarding room. We went to the screening room and busted open a vent. Then we got to a projection booth. "The projectors work, but theres nothing to see. Just a bunch of drawings." Audrey said.
"Maybe theres a code we have to put in?" I asked. I walked out of the small booth and saw a door with a three digit code. "We were right! Theres a code! Maybe a drawing timeline. What are they again?" I asked Audrey.
"Uhh... one of Bendy running from a bee... one of Bendy looking at a flower... and one of Bendy holding a flower." Audrey told me.
"Try putting it in this order: holding flower, looking at flower, running from bee." Audrey did so and told me the code. "235." She said. I put in the code and press the button. The door opened. "Bingo!" I yelled. Audrey walked over and we walked through the door. We walked to a room with an ink person, a tape, and a box. Audrey played the tape. "Good things always come in threes, they say. Bendy, Alice, and Boris. It just works. So when I showed my coworkers my design for a new, fourth member of the Butcher
Gang, you could almost hear the disgust at the lunch table. 'A ghost girl?' they said. 'No ones gunna get it.' They just laughed at my drawings, crumpled them up like trash. But I'll get Mister Drew on my side. He'll understand.
He's got to. Carley will join the Butcher Gang. And she'll be beloved by all. One way or another. I'lI bring Carley to life." She said. We looked at the box. "A fourth member. So, we saw that Piper. And there was the spider one who had his arms tied, so... Striker, maybe. And the guy with a fishing rod for a neck... Fisher." I said.
"Lets open the box and see what we call Carley." Audrey said. She pulled at the box and moved to the side. It had a melted face, no eyes, and claws. "Slicer. We're calling her the Slicer." Audrey said. We turned and left the room. We got to a security door. "Maybe theres a lever." I said. I went back and saw the lever. I pulled it and ran back to Audrey. The opened and we saw the Slicer running at us. Audrey started swinging as we backed up. It disappeared. "I'm not going crazy, right?" Audrey asked.
"No, i saw it too. It ran out at us like a bat outta hell and disappeared." I said. Another security door was open. We kept moving down the hallway and got to a staircase that lead to two separated platforms. On the other side, there was more area, but we couldn't get across. "Heeheeheehee!" We saw an ink guy on the other side warp away. I looked to the right and saw a console with a lever. I went to it to pull it. A pipe started to get lowered down by chains. "Okay, we can go through the pipe." Audrey said. I walked to her and the pipe lowered so we could walk on it. "That works too." Audrey said. I laughed and Audrey went across. I went on the pipe when she was safely across and one of the chains broke. "Y/n! Run!" Audrey yelled as she backed up. I ran across and jumped off it the moment it broke fully off. I almost didn't make it. Audrey grabbed my hand and pulled me to her. "Thanks." I said. "That was almost embarrassing." I said. We went to the right to a room that had a message on the wall. "The Machine must endure." I read. "Seeing how we're here, I'm in full agreement." I said. We saw an open door to the right. We went through it and down the hallway to a pipe. We got through the pipe and saw a ink man stuck in a pipe. "Oh! Hello there! Are you looking for the way out?" He asked.
"That would be nice. Are you... stuck in there?" Audrey asked him.
"Heh heh! Well, yes. And I'm afraid that means you two are stuck too." He said.
"Can't you move?" I asked.
"Not an inch. Perhaps you two could get me unstuck?" He asked.
"Try doing the glowing hand power." I said to Audrey. The ink guy leaned over and Audrey banished the ink. He fell down the pipe. "Do we go with him?" I asked.
"Do we have any more options?" She asked.
"Then down we go." Audrey said. I went down it and she followed.

Bendy and the Dark Revival w/ Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now