Chapter 5: The Dark Revival Part 3

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Allison's POV...
Me and Tom returned to The Pit. We saw two old friends in there... well, one old friend. The other, who knows what side he'll take. Tom went to free Henry and I went to free Sammy. I broke the glass with the Tommy Gun. "Sammy." I said. He stopped plucking his banjo. He turned around. "Alice?"
"Allison." I corrected. "We're getting out of here."
"Whats the point? No Ink Demon. No victory against Wilson." He said.
"Sammy, we need your help. And look, I busted open your prison to ask for help. Are you really gonna throw it away?" I asked. He stood there for a second. "Fine." He said. He grabbed his mask and crawled out. He put his Bendy mask back on. I gave him an axe. Henry and Tom came to us. "Alice?" Henry asked.
"Allison." I corrected. "Its good to see you again too, Henry." I said.
"Do we have any more help?" Henry asked. Tom let out a whistle. A can of bacon soup started rolling. Then Boris the Wolf came through. "Boris!" Henry exclaimed. He hugged the wolf. Then we heard a door open and saw a Lost One come by. "I might be able to aid you." He said.
"Uhh... the more the merrier, i guess." I said. "Tom, go get your big friend." Tom nodded. He ran off the opposite direction. "All of us together can end this." I said.

Y/n's POV...
We returned to Wilson's place. Upon entering, we heard The Ink Demon. "They promise us peace. But they bring us more pain." He said.
"I'm no doctor, but this guy has to clear his throat." I said. We saw The Keepers walking around. "Ready to spike these suckers?" I asked.
"Yeah." Audrey said. We ran at it and Y/n spiked it in the head. It stunned The Keeper. We ran past him and opened a door. We saw a music box. "This could be good distraction if we can repair it." Audrey said.
"Yeah, it would be." We climbed up a ladder. We kept spiking a few Keepers. We got to a hallway and found a wind up key. "Here it is." We went across a wood bridge to another room to grab the small turning figure. "Thats all the pieces." Audrey said. We went back and grabbed the music box. I think we found a nice spot to put it earlier. We went to a desk and Audrey wound it up. We hid and waited for two Keepers to go past us. They went to it and we went past them. I pulled a lever and we went through an opening door. We ran through the hall and got back to Betty. "There you two are! Thank goodness! Wilson's waiting in his laboratory." She said.
"Thanks, Betty." Audrey said. We went past her.

We arrived down at Wilson's laboratory. Down a hall was a bunch of colorful lights. "Audrey. Y/n. You made it. Come inside. We have much to discuss." Wilson said. "Make sure you're ready. Where we're going, there will be no return until we accomplished our mission." He said. We went into his lab. "The Ink Demon is truly such a formidable foe. To truly destroy such a monster, we must dethrone him. Humiliated. I've been working on something to do exactly that. Cast out the demon, and put a new deity in his place. Stronger, more powerful, and controllable. Together, we just have to unleash our ultimate weapon." He said. He brought us to a chamber and it opened. It showed a drawing of a character. "Isn't he beautiful? Simple, but elegant. A treasure. Powerful beyond anyone. The Ink Demon will fall. And there will be peace at last." Wilson said.
"It could work, but it sounds risky. How can we control the thing?" I asked. "We don't want to repeat Joey's mistake."
"All factors must be perfect. The right design, the right science, and the right soul." Wilson said. Then multiple saws appeared in the chamber. "At last, your purpose is revealed, Audrey." Wilson said. "With your soul inside him, he will live forever."
"Stay away from me, you're insane!" Audrey said to Wilson.
"That will kill her! You said you needed to save your father." I said as I put my arm in front of her.
"A lie. My father is beyond hope. Perhaps you two know him, Nathan Arch. For years, I've lived in his reaching shadow. He always had time for the grand creatives of the world. The doers as he called them. How could his lonely son..." he pointed at himself. "...compete with that. But now, thanks to you-"
"Not happening, old man!" I said. I grabbed him by the wrist, but he shoved me away. My side hit a spike. I groaned and fell. Wilson grabbed Audrey and started pulling her. "No! Not this time!" Audrey said. She whacked him with her pipe, the shoved the spike at the top in his chest. He fell backwards. "No! AARRGHHH!!!" Wilson shouted as the saws cut up his body. The only things left of him was an arm and a leg. Audrey came to me. "Audrey. I'm okay." I said. She grabbed my hand. "I'm gonna get you out of here." She said.
"I'll be okay. Keep moving. Go finish this." I said. She let go of my hand and nodded. "I'll catch up with you. Go." I said. She continued on.

Bendy and the Dark Revival w/ Male Reader InsertWhere stories live. Discover now