CHAPTER 36 : Eight months

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Park yeeva

I was waiting for Seungcheol to bring my ice cream . what's taking him so long I can't wait to eat it.

Finally Seungcheol entered with bowl of ice cream my favourite vanilla flavour.

"Awww my ice cream give me fast fast..." I excitedly cheerup after seeing the ice cream can't wait to taste it.

He rolled his eyes before handing me my ice cream

"Its last time I am letting you having ice cream on such a cold weather. "

"Fine" I replied irritatingly

I took bite spoon full of ice cream and letting it to slowly melt in mouth. My eyes get closed mesmerising taste of vanila it bring joy to every single cell of my mind.

"Mmmmmm..... their is nothing good in this world except ice cream "

"You are such a child " he chukle before grabbing my ice cream making my eyes wide.

"Wait its mine " I whined

"I bring it for you from downstairs so I have all right to taste it " he took the bite . I glared at him before faking my anger looking away from him.

But my suprise he suddenly kissed my lips . I looked at him with shocked expression.

"Well your lips taste much sweetest than this ice cream "

"Stop it baby can listen it too " I hit his shoulder playfully hearing all his flirting only maks my cheek all red.

"So what baby will get know too how much dada love his mom"

He said putting his hand on my belly cressing it softly. I smiled looking at him

"What are you looking at ?"

"Just admiring my husband. I never thought I would be this happy in my life " I can feel my eyes getting filled with tears. Past few month of my life are so hard for me cope up with. Just because of him and our baby I put effort to live my life again.

He wipe my face with tumb and hugged me lightly.

"Everything is fine now . And remember you deserve all this happiness in your life. You should forget about the bad things now and only focuse on your health ,our baby and on your handsome husband okh "

"Stop praising yourself . you are not that handsome okh "

"Are you sure " he said coming so close to my face. My breath hitched in between. I gulped hard seeing him so close.

"See your face turning red again "

I quickly hide my face in his chest felling embarrassed. He started laughing and rapped hus arm around me.

After seeing gaeyong in his office it get hard for me I started having those attack again. But Seungcheol never left me alone during that time . He always stay with me whenever I have those nightmares.

Only because of him I started feeling peace and those nightmares also started getting vanishing day by day. I even attended some session for recovering from it.

When I tried to tell Seungcheol about my past .he said not to think about it anymore and said not to worry because my dad told him the truth.

Its all okh for me if dad even told him because I know I would never able to tell him no matter how hard I even tried to speak out.

My life gets all perfect now . I am going to be mother. I even sought out everything with my parents . I don't blame them because its just my age that I fail to understand them too.

CHOI EMPIRE book 1:choi seungcheol (UNEDITED) Where stories live. Discover now