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Hi. In case you don't know me I'm Hanni. I moved from Australia last year to Korea, as my dad got a way better job opportunity. To be completely honest, I don't mind at all, since I don't miss anyone (except for my second-cousin Bang Chan) and never really got the chance to make friends. 11th grade passed, and still, like usual, I haven't made any friends. I'm sure 12th will be the same, since that's just how it is. 

I don't mind.

I sigh as I open spotify to listen to music, Limbo by Keshi being the first song that played, I was relieved. 

I looked around my empty room, scrolling through Pinterest to find others', which were way more fulfilling and full of personality. Mine was empty- I had no polaroids of friends, no letters, no pictures of myself (except for the one my dad took of me when I was 10, where I held a sprite bottle close to my chest), and especially no decor to remind me of meaningful memories. 

My eyes scanned the only thing that I somewhat cherished, as I looked down and held my necklace. I don't even remember who gave it to me or how I got it, but It's been a part of me for as long as I can remember.

I really enjoyed being at peace, after all, I was used to being alone.

That really didn't last long though, as I was soon interrupted by my mom, who welcomed herself inside my room without knocking. 

"Hanni! I need you to go buy some things from the nearby corner store. You've been rotting on this bed since the morning- and it's already 4. Go and buy a few things, I already sent you a message with the stuff I need you to buy."

"Mom, please, I need to rest more before school starts again tomorrow" I dug my face in my pillows, escaping from the sight of my mom's face. 

"Hanni, I'll give you extra cash to buy something for yourself if you get up right now," my mom folded her hands.

I sighed as I receded from any more arguments, and got up to head to the store.

The morning breeze was calming and crisp. I usually avoided going outside since I really hated interacting with random strangers who would usually wave at me and I'd pretend not to notice. But there was no one on my short walk to the store, and I was glad.

(At the store)

I scouted everything that I needed to get as quickly as possible, and decided that I wanted to use the extra cash to buy something that had caught my eye from the end of the store...


As I scanned the different kinds of bread, I finally decided on getting the one that looked like a bear. 

Except when I was picking it up, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Please don't be someone I know please don't be someone I know please don't be someone I know-

"Hey! Aren't you Hanni from Ms. Lee's class? We had the same class right?" I looked behind me to see a girl who gave the same vibes as a golden retriever smiling brightly- and I knew who she was instantly.

Danielle Marsh, who did somehow share more than half of the same classes as me. She's known to be really nice, angelic, and smart but we never really talked.

"I- uh- yea" I awkwardly nodded.

"Do you like this kind of pastry too? I always come here to get the exact same bear one! Isn't it so cute? Look at its little ears. It tastes the best, wouldn't you agree?" She laughed.

"Uh- yeah, I mean I've never really tried this one before but I guess I should now," I looked to the side.

"Do you live around here? I'd never thought to see you being here. You're from Australia right? Me too! We should be friends, I rarely see anyone that I know in this neighborhood. What's your number?"


"There! I added you as 'Hanni Pham :D' let's chat again later!" She turned around and left the store.

Did I really give her my number that easily? I can't even blame myself, she's too enthusiastic to be rejected.

I sighed and massaged my forehead. Well, this'll be interesting. 

After paying for my things, I went home.

I should really start packing since school starts again tomorrow. I'm soooo excited.

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