Your Dog Loves You

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Shit, shit, shit, 

I'm late, and It hasn't even been a week since school started again.

As usual, I'm getting the same looks I was getting yesterday.

I made sure yesterday to clean Hueningkai and Minji's clothes, to return to them. 

I went to class without being noticed as absent, and safely took the seat beside Dani.

I was zoning out again.

Why'd I dream about her?

We stopped talking 4 months ago.

That's pretty recent, huh?


Oh god, I hate her. I wish she would just die. No, not die, but I wish she would just disappear. I wish I didn't ever talk to her. 

"Hanni? Hey- hey, Hanni?" 

I heard Dani calling me from the side.

"You good? You look really sad right now."

I nodded.

"I'm okay, don't worry." I smiled.

After a bunch of classes, I finally had lunch.

I sat at a table far away from where Yunjin sat last time, and hoped not to meet her again.

I saw Kai at the corner, so I went to him.

"Hey, uh, Hueningkai, right? I washed your jacket, thank you for letting me use it."

"No problem, Hanni FFAM" He smiled, as he exaggerated the f sound in Pham.

I laughed at his pronunciation mistake, and quickly corrected him.

"Its Fem. Pham Hanni is pronounced that way, not FAMMM," I laughed again.

"Alright, alright Pham Hanni, better?"

"Mhm, a hundred times better,"

"Alright" He smiled again.

I went back to my seat to see Haerin and Dani already seated.

"Hey, so, what's your plan for today? You GOTTA have a game plan, right? After all, you're meeting his friends at the MOVIE, and his FAMILY." Dani said emphasizing everything.

"Yes, yes, I'm just gonna you know, do whatever."

"WHAT? Do you not realize that THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE is going to the movies, and you're going to meet his PARENTS?" Every time she said a word, it sounded higher pitched than before.

"Dani, you sound more excited than Hanni," Haerin chuckled.

"No, no, Hanni, we need to get you prepared...ASAP. First, make sure you look good. The fit you showed good. I know! Why don't we go shopping! The movie starts in the evening anyways, and we have 2 hours before the event. Let's go shopping!" Dani sounds like a kid excited to win a prize.

I couldn't refuse, but I did need to inform my parents, both who work.

"Dani, just for a minute, did you ever think about what store we'd go to? And how we would go there?" Haerin asked.

"Your personal chauffeur, Dani, at your service!" She saluted proudly.

Haerin and I both looked at each other instantly and laughed.

Sunoo looked at me again, and just waved.

I waved back.

I also saw Minji, I need to return her clothes.

(A/N: Make sure to vote for R U Next guys! Hoping for OT8!!! Vote for Jiwoo, Jihyun, Jeemin, Yunah, Chanelle, Youngseo, Minju, and Moka.)

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