Literally My Life Is (Actual Goals AF)

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There he was, standing outside the door.

He looked up, and waved.

"Hanni! Hey- so you've made your decision?" 

I was a bit nervous at first, but I knew what was the right thing to do.

", Sunoo...I'll do it. I'll be your...girlfriend" I said smiling awkwardly.

"That's great! Hanni- thank you so much. This really means a lot to me, I owe you big time."

"So, should we head inside?" He asked again.

We both entered the class, and Sunoo left me alone to go after his friend.

I once again scanned the area, and noticed (thankfully) Dani and her friend.

"Hanni!!! I'm SO excited for this class! This is my friend, Haerin! She's a bit shy at first, but she'll be the most excited and friendly person once you start talking to her!"

"Well...I wouldn't say most, Dani..." Haerin chuckled.

"I'm Haerin. I transferred here just this year, from a different school. I've known Dani since 6th grade, we're online friends, actually. It's glad meeting you." She said.

She resembled very similarly to a cat. 

"I'm Hanni Pham. I'm sorry about what happened earlier at lunch, not the best impression, I know. Hopefully we can good friends" I shyly said.


The lecture was very boring. Just some stuff about writing and cats. The cats was what I was interested in. I was getting sleepy until the teacher said something.

"Ok class. Listen up. We have a project which you'll be working on for the entire year. No groups- this is your personal senior year project. You have to write a letter about your senior year experiences. You can groan and boo me all you want, but you have to do this. Your first assignment for today is to get to know people you don't know very well. You'll be writing an introduction about yourself and fold the slip into this bucket. A random person will read it and try to guess who it is. Here are the slips, pass them back, and drop them in this bucket." Ms. Kang finished.

An introduction...

What's my nickname? Hm...Just Pigtails I guess, since that's my go-to hairstyle. movies, and a fun fact about myself would be...I can play the uke. Done.

Everyone was done, and it was Dani's turn first.

"I got...nickname is Swan, hobby is doing ballet, and fun fact is that she's very flexible! Okay, I think that this person is Kazuha." Dani beamed.

"That's true you got it right," Kazuha looked surprised.

The list went on until it was my turn.

" nickname is Fox, hobby is listening to music, and a fun fact is they can play the piano." I scanned the room, since I had no obvious idea who this person was. 

Any hint, any clue, anyone looking suspicious...Sunoo mouthed something.



"Um..Sunoo?" I answered.

"Woah, that's right babe, it is me." He smiled widely.

BABE? I looked at him surprised, but he just smiled.

It wasn't long before whispers spread and everyone was talking about how Sunoo had just called me his 'babe'. I just decided to ignore it.

"Up next is Ms. Kim Minji." Ms. Kang signaled.

"Ok. Nickname Pigtails. Hobby watching movies. Fun Fact ukulele. I think it's..." Minji looked at my direction.

"Her." She pointed at me. 

I was just silent, confused by how she knew it was me. 

"Is it true, Ms. Hanni?" 

"Uh, yes, that's me. I'm her." I said quickly.

Minji went back to her seat, and everything was normal again. People were still introducing themselves and such, and it was soon over.

"Psst, hey, Hanni!" Dani whispered but failed. 


"Do you mind if Haerin comes with us to the pastry store?"

"Not at all, she can come of course," I replied.

And just like that, class was over.

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