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Class starts in about 2 minutes, so I'm really confused as to why I don't see anyone in the hallways. Must be rich people habits to be early or something.

I'm still processing the things that happened, Sunoo likes me? It can't be real, I'm not that attractive and I'm not even good at much, I- 

In the process of thinking, I bump into someone.

I was too out-of-the-world to be focused on what was going on around me, that I made a girl drop her things.

I quickly got down to help her.

"Here you go- here's your pouch" I looked up at her.

I literally have the worst luck. 

I want to crawl into a deep hole and pass away.

Kim Minji.

Kim Sunoo's younger sister, a.k.a the smartest and also the most athletic girl at our school- she's placed #1 in Track in all of Seoul. 

God, do good genes run in their family?

"...thanks..I guess.." She mumbled and left. 

Thanks I guess? Who even says that?

I'm just glad that we didn't talk much though, because then things would've gotten really awkward.

I start walking to my class when I notice that she's walking in the same direction. I'm behind her, hopefully she doesn't think I'm following her or something.

Class A-5, the same as mine. 

I take a breath and enter the classroom, looking for an empty seat. 

Ok, I'm eyeing this one seat that's as far away from the teacher and basically everyone else- it's perfect, c'mon Hanni, walk faster-

"Hey! Hanni! You're in this class too?" 

Depicting from the excited tone, I already know who it is.

I looked at her direction, and unsurprisingly, there she is. Danielle Marsh, waving at me with a big smile on her face.

"Hanni! Why don't we sit together! Look, the seat beside me is empty." She signals.

Do I even have a choice?

I take the seat, and smile at her. 

After all, she's too cute and nice to be ignored or be mean to. She's too much golden retriever for me to be mean to her.

'She's so awkward, god, he should be with me instead'

'I don't know what he sees in her'

'She's ok I guess'

"Hey- are you okay?" I look to the side to see Danielle, looking at me with concern. 

"Yeah, I'm fine." I lie, smiling softly.

"You don't have to lie to me, I can tell you look uncomfortable," She whispered.

"It's ok, really. I'm just-" I clenched my right hand forming a fist. 

"I don't know, I'm really frustrated." 

She nodded understandingly.

"Do you want to hang out with me after school? I have this really good pastry place I've been wanting to go to with someone," She offered.

"That sounds nice." I nodded.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Kim Minji staring at me.

I couldn't look at her directly though, because even if she was staring, I'm too nervous to look at her. 

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