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It's lunchtime and I'm tired from the workload and my teacher constantly nitpicking the homework and analyzing every mistake every student makes- why does she even bother to ask what questions we're stuck on when she ends up going through every question anyways?

Not only that, but the whole Sunoo situation. 

I'm too lame to even end up in this kind of situation- it's all fun and exciting when it's a kdrama, but this is real life, and It's just a major headache. 

"Wanna sit with my friend and I during lunch, Hanni?" Danielle asks.

I've never been asked that before, so naturally it felt nice.

"Of course, Danielle." I smiled.

"You can call me Dani," she said excitedly. 

"Okok, let's hurry up! Lunch always ends earlier than scheduled, they really need to fix that," she mumbled.


In the cafeteria, I somehow feel like throwing up. I'm faced with unwelcoming faces and angry remarks from Sunoo's delusional fans. I'm really glad Dani is here with he though, because I could never handle this on my own.

"Hey, Hanni, you can choose a seat alright? I'll get lunch and I'll meet you there." 

I walked across the crowds of people to find a seat, luckily I spotted an empty table. 

I'm sitting, waiting for Danielle and her friend. 

'Should we do it?'

'She's such an idiot, you should totally do it'

"Hey, dumbass, up here" I looked behind me and by the time I turned around, it was too late. 

"oops...my bad..." the girl smirked.

Cold soup dripped from my head, a drop of liquid making its way to the end of my hair. 

My shirt was completely soaked. 

By the time I got to process what had just happened, a guy sitting on the table next to me came over and wrapped the coat of his uniform around me. 

"That was uncalled for, Yunjin." He snared.

"So what? She should know her boundaries Kai," she smirked.

"Don't call me that. You can only refer to me by my full name, you don't deserve to call me that," he glared at her.

"tsk, whatever...and Hanni? Or should I call you attention-seeker? Stay away from MY man. Later." She smirked and left. 

"Hey...let's go to the restroom, alright? Do you have a change of clothes? You can borrow my coat for now," He looked at me with pity.

"OH MY GOD, Hanni, are you okay? You look...drenched!" Danielle covered her mouth in shock. 

"It's ok, really, I don't have a change of clothes but, they should have some at the front office..."

"Do you want me to come with? I can if you want," She offered, but I declined, as I didn't want to be a bother.

Plus, she had her own friends to be with, and I was just a burden.

"Really- it's ok. I can go on my own. Thanks," I smiled a little.

I felt people's eyes on me as I exited the cafeteria, but I tried my best to look undistrubed.

On the way to the office, I was thinking of my answer to Sunoo. It was so difficult to deal with this today, how would I be able to deal with this tomorrow- a week from now? 

If I rejected his offer, I would benefit from it greatly- after a week, this whole situation would die down and everything would be back to normal. At least for me.

For Sunoo? 


I guess, he would be stuck, his chances of getting the fortune would be close to 0, he would have more rumors about him- more scandals and he'd be harassed and shamed for this whole thing. This decision was really hard. 

"Hey. You look stupid." I hear a cold voice from behind me. Why is it always from behind me? The universe is setting me up I swear. 

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