3rd Batch

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Title: Maybe


Maybe it was the way he told me he loved me. Maybe it was the twinkle in his eyes when he did that. Maybe I was too delusional or maybe I was just too in love to see that we were headed towards a crossroad. Maybe he did truly love me but it just wasn't strong enough to last a lifetime. Maybe I'll get over him soon or maybe I might never love another, because everything about him has been tattoed all over my entire system. I still remember the touch of his hands on my skin, I still remember just how out of this world his kisses were, I still hear his voice in my sleep, I still remember how I would always get lost in his eyes. My memories of him are like scars I can never erase, scars that will never heal. I feel helpless, I feel stupid & I feel pathetic because even after he savagely broke my heart into a million pieces, I'd still openly welcome him into my arms if he decided to come back to me. And if I could turn back time, I'd still welcome him into my life to have him break my heart all over again just so I can be with him even just for a while. He taught me how to love, but he didn't teach me how to un-love him. So now, no one can fill the empty space he left behind.

Minho POV:

I was too harsh on her. I know I left a giant scar in her heart and she might never forgive me for that but it was the only way I could protect her from the pain. She would be hurting much more than she already is if I had told her the reason why I needed to leave her - that I was dying.

Title: I know you better

" Minho, this is my boyfriend Aris. Aris, this is minho, my best friend " she says as so insensitively because she's too blind to realize who's the one that really loves her.

" hey " says shuckface as he tries to shake hands with me but I ignore his hand.

" hey " I said coldly

He takes his hand back & put it inside the pockets of his jacket.

" uhm.. so let's go to the ice cream parlor" y/n says to break up the tension.

It might have been a good idea but I had a knack for alienating people.

" two triple chocolate delight please " - aris

" she likes cookies & cream " - me

" we've run out of cookies & cream sir " - waiter

" rocky road it is then " - aris

" she's allergic to nuts " - me

" pistachio " - aris

" she hates green food " - me

" vanilla " - aris

" too plain " - me

" excuse me I'll have the bubblegum flavor " - y/n

" right, I was gonna say that next " - aris

" why did you think she chose that? " -me

" because of the extra sprinkles! Duh " - aris

" nice try. But she chose it cause it's blue, she likes blue food " - me

" whatever. So y/n, I made plans for us for next week " - aris

" what's the occassion? " - y/n

" your birthday, silly! What, you think I forgot it? " - aris

" her birthday was last week. Next week is her twin sister's birthday " -me

" shut up. She doesn't have a twin and if she had a twin they'd have the same birthday " - aris

" I'm talking about her younger twin sisters. Faggot. How many siblings does she have? " -me

" two! And I already knew that. I was just fooling around " - aris

" retard. She's an only child. Her twin sisters were born dead. Do you know where her birthmark is? " -me

I could tell he was getting pissed, but I didn't care one bit.

" she doesn't have one " - aris

" hahaha! You're pathetic. She has one on the lower right portion of her back, shaped like a distorted eagle " -me

" how would you know that?! " - aris

" minho " - y/n

" because! " - me

" minho!! " - y/n

" we used to shower together when we were kids " - me


" it's true! " - me

" why do you always do this?! Do you love seeing me cry? Do you enjoy it when guys break up with me because of you!?? " - y/n

" to be honest with you, YES! " - me

" what kind of friend are you!?! " - y/n

" the kind that loves you too much for his own good! The kind of friend who's always been madly in love with you yet you never notice cause you're too busy looking at other guys! " -me

" what? Y-you... I.. I'm - " - y/n

" what? Cat got your tongue? It's okay, don't stress yourself. I'm leaving " and with those words I walked away.

Title: Minho as a greenie

Minho coming out of the box as a kid.

Alby: green-

Minho: wtf is this? Wtf is that? Wtf are you?

Alby: I'm -

Minho: ugly. Hi! I'm... I forgot.. oh! I remember now. I'm Handsome. My name's Minho.

Alby: excuse me?! Minho: yes, you're excused.


Minho: I think you need to get off of your high horse *laugh*

Alby: *gasp*

Minho: *gasps mockingly* *laughs*

Alby: you better -

Minho: You better take a chill pill cause you look like you need to overdose on them. Relax man, I'm just messing with ya *pats alby's shoulder* what's that?

Alby: that's the maze and you're not allowed to go there.

Minho: says who?

Alby: says me! And you're going to obey me! Or else I'll kill you myself if the grievers don't kill you first.

Minho: *laughs* wtf is a griever?

Alby: *smacks forehead*

Minho: and what's a glade? Is that some sort of hairspray or something?


Minho: ugh! Have you ever brushed your teeth man? Your breath smells like a fart.

Alby: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 *deep breath*

Minho: why are you counting?

Alby: I'm trying not to kill you..

Minho: alright, well keep up the good work... uh.. what was your name again?

Alby: it's ALBY!

Minho: right, okay. So uh.. see you around. I'm gonna go socialize with the other shuckfaces, maybe they're not as grumpy as you. Have fun counting! *walks away cooly*

Alby: ugh! He's driving me nuts!

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