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: Leaving

" how many times do I have to say it?! I'm so sick of you! I'm tired of loving you! Which part of that dont you understand?! " he yelled

" Newt... please, I know you're just lying. Tell me you're lying " y/n said as tears flowed from her eyes

" Stop fantasizing! Just get it through your thick skull! I DON'T LOVE YOU ANYMORE! " " newt " she croaked

" GET LOST! I - "

" NEWT THAT'S ENOUGH! " minho cut in


" I SAID ENOUGH! " minho said pushing him hard " You've crossed the line! Breaking up with her has already hurt her enough. You dont need to rub salt on the injury. Her heart is already broken as it is "

" Minho stop... you dont need to do this " - y/n

" You should at least have some respect towards the girl you once loved. The girl your world once revolved around. The girl who used to be your whole world "

" did I invite you to this conversation?! I dont rememer doing so. So dont butt in on other peoples business "

" Newt what's happening to you? This.. this isn't you at all. Where's the Newt that I used to know? Why are you doing these kinds of things to people you love? Why are you pushing everyone away? " - minho

" Are you thomas' substitute now? Did he teach you on how to bombard people with questions? " " If you have a problem you can tell us! Dont shut yourself out"

" Oh please lets not have a pity party. Just leave me alone! "

Minho shot one good look at y/n and then at Newt.

" I think I understand it now " - Minho

Newt scoffed " understand what? "

" y/n. I'm sorry in advance. But will you please get out? My friend and I have to talk about something. " - minho begged with his eyes

Y/N left the room but listened to their convo behind the door.

" the test results. You already got them didnt you " - minho

'What test results?' She thought

Newt just nodded & tears formed in their eyes.

" is that why you were chasing her away? " " it's better to end it now. And in the future... I hope you respect my decisions too. I cant afford to hurt everyone I love " - newt

" but you're already hurting us, by how you've been acting these days "

" see? That's not me. Some days I lose myself & some days I'm fine. I'll only keep getting worse " "What are we going to do? "

Newt placed his hand on his shoulder & looked him in the eye.

" Please take good care of her. She's my whole world. "

" Are you leaving? "

" I'm going to submit myself to the nearest crank palace "

" Newt. No... Please stay with us a bit longer "

Finally she went back in, even more broken than before.

" Newt... Y-you're -"

" A crank "

She froze on the spot. Newt leaned in close to minho & reminded him of the favor he asked him.

" please... it'll be your last gift for me " he whispered

Minho was holding back his tears but even with a heavy heart he said " alright. I will "

" protect her like how I do "

He just nodded

"Good that. Thanks " " but can you also grant me one last favor? "

" what is it? "

" I want to send you off to the crank palace " " Minho "

" please "

" fine. We leave tomorrow but you're not allowed to get in. When we arrive at the gate, you immediately go back home okay? "

" yeah "

" what about me Newt? What about me?! Have you completely forgotten about me?! What's going to happen to us?! " - y/n

" there's no more us " - newt

" so you dont care about me anymore?! You dont care whether I'll get hurt or not?! Newt, you're my whole world! What am I supposed to do without you?! "

" Continue on living. You have to accept the fact that I'm not immune and I'm a crank "

" how is it so easy for you to say that?! "

" it's not. Minho please, take her away " he said turning his back on them so that they cant see his tears

Y/N struggled to break free from Minho's grasp, she put up a really good fight but she couldn't escape. It felt so unfair that he gets to send him off and say his final goodbyes & she cant.

" He knows you wont be able to take it if you see him leave. I dont want to lose him as well but... you know he cant be stopped when he's made his decision. I can only do this for him. "

" good for you, you know what to do.. what about me?! What am I supposed to do? "

" keep on living "

" easier said than done "

" i know "

He scooped her into his arms & let her cry all the pain away. At a distance, Newt stared.

" I know you two will be good together "

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